newsGNU direvent - News: Version 4.1

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Version 4.1

Item posted by Sergey Poznyakoff <gray> on Fri Dec 27 13:55:08 2013.

Dircond version 4.1 is available for download.

New in this version:

  • New features

A watcher can be configured to react only on certain files. To that
effect, a new statement "file" is introduced. This statement defines
a list of regular expressions one of which the file name must match in
order for the watcher to wake up.

  • Bugfixes

Upon creation of a directory, a genev_create event is generated for
all files and directories below the newly created one (if required
by the configuration). At the same time, new watchers are installed.

The version 4.0 incorrectly assumed that a notification would arrive
for each subdirectory or subfile, once the watcher is installed for
the parent directory. This created a race condition, which could
cause some create events to come unnoticed.


No messages in Version 4.1


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