bugtex4ht - Bugs: Browse Items - Mon Sep 16 20:14:03 2024

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        44 matching items - Items 1 to 44        

Item ID Summary Submitted on Assigned to Submitted by
 #627 Bad register code (65536) on 200 lines code Thu Jun 20 04:24:12 2024 None nma123
 #626 \:babelfont in babel-sty-hooks.4ht Mon Jun 10 14:39:21 2024 None jspitzm
 #625 Bad register code (65536) again on auto-generated Latex code Sun Apr 28 23:19:37 2024 None nma123
 #624 File ended while scanning use of \AltMathOne. error Thu Apr 25 06:03:46 2024 None nma123
 #622 error with \footnote mark in \section* Sun Feb 25 23:15:54 2024 None u_fischer
 #617 The fancyvrb LaTeX package produces blank lines with the `\VerbatimInput` command Mon Dec 11 16:36:17 2023 None witiko
 #613 Problem using tex4ht with algpseudocodex package when adding indent guide lines Sat Oct 21 10:28:56 2023 None nma123
 #607 tex4ht with package hyperref and option destlabel creates no ancor Wed Aug 16 16:33:01 2023 None reissner
 #586 Incompatibility with package animate Sat Dec 10 20:14:28 2022 None jimhefferon
 #531 Paragraph break after description label Sat Oct 9 15:29:33 2021 None jspitzm
 #524 "'^" will lead to "double superscript" error Mon Sep 13 18:27:47 2021 None saefo8ea
 #505 Provide way to produce odt file without dynamic contents Thu Apr 8 07:58:07 2021 None jspitzm
 #488 \over does not give the same result as equivalent \frac Mon Oct 26 19:08:38 2020 None pertusus
 #484 Package arydshln clash Wed Sep 30 09:21:47 2020 None michal_h21
 #477 Support for new LaTeX hook management Thu Jul 23 13:24:20 2020 None michal_h21
 #392 make4ht crashes, error code 256, when using arev with bold font Mon Apr 16 04:58:01 2018 None nma123
 #353 math corruption in tex4ht when using adjustbox and tcbuselibrary{listings} Fri Jan 27 06:31:19 2017 None nma123
 #345 regression testing is needed Sat Dec 10 23:45:56 2016 None karl
 #315 Invalid html generated for longtable Thu Jun 16 05:18:52 2016 None ulm
 #313 Irregular formatting of longtable entries in list of tables Sat Jun 11 16:20:11 2016 None ulm
 #312 tcolorbox package does not work with tex4ht. All newlines are lost in listings Fri Jun 10 01:25:10 2016 None nma123
 #307 make4ht removes spaces in \href in LUA mode when using mathdesign package Sun May 29 04:55:10 2016 None nma123
 #306 tex4ht does not show top and bottom rules of table when using arrayrulecolor Thu May 26 20:49:45 2016 None nma123
 #304 package paracol does not work in tex4ht Mon May 23 04:57:10 2016 None nma123
 #275 titlesec package slows down tex4ht Mon Mar 28 08:44:08 2016 None nma123
 #274 tex4ht features vs. lwarp vs. ... Mon Mar 21 21:20:56 2016 None karl
 #248 sometimes, oolatex may failed when \vskip nested inside \textsf{} Fri Mar 27 14:38:13 2015 None shen390s
 #244 “Display math should end with $$” when using MathML with amsmath and \fbox with tex4ht Sun Feb 8 15:00:25 2015 None michal_h21
 #224 package empheq does not work with tex4ht, ! Missing } inserted Thu Jul 31 09:43:20 2014 None nma123
 #218 tex4ht 2014 compile error using mathml switch using multline with pmatrix and easybmat Sat Jun 21 16:39:02 2014 None nma123
 #213 Incompatibility with non breakable spaces when babel[french] is used. Tue Apr 15 18:03:13 2014 None vincentb1
 #212 urls mishandle _ and # Thu Apr 3 18:39:54 2014 None karl
 #209 mathml, multline, pmatrix, easybma Fri Mar 7 01:17:12 2014 None karl
 #208 lit/Makefile has extra space in latex argument confusing MikTeX latex Sun Mar 2 22:11:12 2014 None vincentb1
 #200 fmtcount & tex4ht conflicting Sun Jan 5 04:53:55 2014 None vincentb1
 #196 longtable should not generate empty trailing rows Fri Oct 11 12:23:42 2013 None jondo
 #191 enumerate and itemize lists not processed in first section when using multicol Mon Aug 26 21:12:18 2013 None nma123
 #187 Undefined control sequence when using tabulary and colortbl Sun Jul 7 07:45:43 2013 cvr josephwright
 #174 oolatex: "needs" directives appear after "File" directives in .lg file Fri Dec 14 13:01:58 2012 None muelleki
 #168 Non delimited colorbox if at line's beginning Sat Oct 20 16:53:09 2012 None denisbitouze
 #164 Spurious span with tabulars from ctable package Thu May 17 13:41:05 2012 None denisbitouze
 #134 doc: plain tex 4ht Sun Oct 10 17:32:31 2010 None karl
 #133 space semantics in HTML vs. TeX Sun Oct 10 16:36:44 2010 None karl
 #124 update docs Sat Jan 16 22:43:17 2010 karl karl

        44 matching items - Items 1 to 44        

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