bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #252, tex4ht doesn't work with latest...

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bug #252: tex4ht doesn't work with latest versions of biblatex/biber

Submitted by:  Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Submitted on:  Mon May 11 11:47:29 2015  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: Ready For Test
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Open/Closed: Closed

Sun Jun 7 20:17:51 2015, comment #14:

Thanks, this is working now.

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Sun Jun 7 12:08:41 2015, comment #13:

Simon, patch for small caps was submitted, maybe it only isn't in TL yet? Anyway, as temporary solution, you may place in directory with your document this code, named as eccc.htf:


Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Sun Jun 7 09:35:51 2015, comment #12:

Thanks, but I try to generate .odt files. How would I do small caps change here?

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Sun Jun 7 06:35:42 2015, comment #11:

Thanks Simon for the report.

Smallcaps problem can be solved with a \Css declaration in your document or better a tiny *.cfg:

\Css{.small-caps{font-variant: small-caps; text-transform: lowercase;}}

Second problem can be solved by adding \let\addspace\xspace. It works OK. See the contents of the archive and my.cfg (included in archive), simon.zip.

I used the command:

htlatex simon my

(renamed your MWE to simon.tex)


(file #213)

CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Sun Jun 7 05:31:15 2015, comment #10:

This is already much better, thanks a lot! There still are small problems though. If you look at the attached file, there are two issues.

1. Small caps are still not rendered properly (bug #253).
2. There's a space missing between "Orange" and "(Uhrwerk"). I see this missing space – which comes from an \addspace command in this case – in different situations, but not always.

(file #212)

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Sun Jun 7 05:30:35 2015, comment #9:

Have committed the changes to svn without waiting for test report from Simon as I fear, I may not be able to attend to this work in the coming week. If the results are unsatisfactory, we shall revert the commit.

By the way, a lot of blank lines in tex4ht-4ht.tex, the literate sources of all *.4ht files have been trimmed for better comprehension. Hence, the commit log will be unnecessarily lengthier, kindly don't be bothered about this.


CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Sat Jun 6 17:34:20 2015, comment #8:

I did work on the newest version of biblatex (3.0) and biber (2.1) and the modified version of biblatex.4ht is forwarded now. All the example files provided in the biblatex bundle generated right kind of html as with the pdf's. Simon may kindly test this version and confirm if it works satisfactorily. If yes, I shall update the sources and commit to svn.


(file #211)

CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Mon Jun 1 00:17:25 2015, comment #7:

This time, I had opted out of pretest (acute paucity of time). Will get from CTAN.

CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Sun May 31 23:46:32 2015, comment #6:

or you can get them as part of the tl pretest image, if you want (http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html). might or might not be easier ...

(i suspect we will make this be the public release of tl'15 in another couple of days, btw. no critical problems have been found since it was frozen a few days ago.)


Karl Berry <karl>
Project Administrator
Sun May 31 23:21:01 2015, comment #5:

Karl, et al., so sorry, I could not find time to fix this bug. Will try my best to attempt this immediately. Guess, I need to grab biber and biblatex from CTAN, right? Not yet available with tlmgr.

CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Sun May 31 22:31:20 2015, comment #4:

just to mention, this was also reported at http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2015-May/036851.html.

cvr, i hope it will not be too much trouble to update the biblatex+biber support for the new version, when you have a chance. and that all the testing infrastructure you built works out ...

Karl Berry <karl>
Project Administrator
Tue May 12 08:03:18 2015, comment #3:

Yes, the problems become only visible with biblatex 3.0/biber 2.1 or later which are on CTAN and part of TL15 pretest.

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Mon May 11 21:15:51 2015, comment #2:

michal - indeed, newer versions of biber and biblatex are in the tex live pretest (http://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html), and the upstream sourceforge project. i am not at all surprised that the current support does not work, since the changes were (i gather) major.

Karl Berry <karl>
Project Administrator
Mon May 11 18:48:10 2015, comment #1:

I tried to compile the sample file you posted to Biblatex issue tracker and it worked well with both `htlatex` and `mk4ht oolatex`. But you seem to use newer versions of Biblatex and Biber, I've used Biblatex 2.9 and Biber 1.9, which seems to be the latest versions available in TL 2014.

I've attached resulting HTML and ODT files.

Best regards,

(file #208, file #209)

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Mon May 11 11:47:29 2015, original submission:

tex4ht doesn't currently work with the latest versions of biblatex/biber. There are several errors when compiling:

! Package biblatex Error: Patching 'ifthen' package failed.
! Package biblatex Error: Patching \MakeUppercase failed.
! Package biblatex Error: Patching \MakeLowercase failed.

Compilation finishes when these errors are ignored. Worse is the fact that there was a change to biber's .bbl file format, which results in tex4ht nor resolving quotations.

See also https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/310

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>


Attached Files
file #213:  simon.zip added by cvr (66kB - application/x-zip-compressed)
file #212:  teste.tex added by simifilm (596B - application/x-tex)
file #211:  biblatex.4ht added by cvr (17kB - application/octet-stream)
file #208:  sample.html added by michal_h21 (1kB - text/html)
file #209:  sample.odt added by michal_h21 (7kB - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)


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Carbon-Copy List
  • -unavailable- added by karl (Posted a comment)
  • -unavailable- added by michal_h21 (Updated the item)
  • -unavailable- added by cvr (Updated the item)
  • -unavailable- added by simifilm (Submitted the item)

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    8 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Sun Jul 19 08:55:55 2020michal_h21Open/ClosedOpen=>Closed
    Sun Jun 7 06:35:42 2015cvrAttached File-=>Added simon.zip, #213
    Sun Jun 7 05:31:15 2015simifilmAttached File-=>Added teste.tex, #212
    Sat Jun 6 17:34:20 2015cvrAttached File-=>Added biblatex.4ht, #211
      StatusNone=>Ready For Test
    Mon May 11 18:48:10 2015michal_h21Attached File-=>Added sample.html, #208
      Attached File-=>Added sample.odt, #209
    Mon May 11 15:36:31 2015cvrAssigned toNone=>cvr
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