bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #601, babel spanish and htlatex mathml...

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bug #601: babel spanish and htlatex mathml have bad ineraction

Submitted by:  Matteo Gamboz <gamboz>
Submitted on:  Fri May 19 21:15:14 2023  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Wed Oct 4 12:27:04 2023, comment #2:

This should be fixed in the sources.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Fri May 19 21:37:38 2023, comment #1:

Thanks for the report. It seems to be caused by redefinition of math operators by the Spanish definition file for Babel. You can try this file to disable that:


Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Fri May 19 21:15:14 2023, original submission:

Compiling the following source with
`htlatex x.tex xhtml,mathml`

gives error
`! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=20000].`

%% File x.tex
La desinformaciĆ³n

The problem seems related to some interaction between "mathml" and "spanish".

It happens compiling with
htlatex x.tex xhtml,mathml
htlatex x.tex html,mathml

It does not happen compiling with
htlatex x.tex xhtml
htlatex x.tex html

and it does not happen for many other languages.
E.g. it does not happen if the tex source contains:
for LANGUAGE in british, french, brazil, portugese, italian, german

Matteo Gamboz <gamboz>


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