taskLocal Administration - Tasks: task #329, Submission of Reproducible...

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task #329: Submission of Reproducible research by निरंजन

Submitted by:  निरंजन <niruvt>
Submitted on:  Wed Oct 12 06:22:30 2022  
Should Start On: Wed Oct 12 00:00:00 2022Should be Finished on: Sat Oct 22 00:00:00 2022
Category: Project ApprovalPriority: 5 - Normal
Status: DonePrivacy: Public
Percent Complete: 100%Assigned to: Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Open/Closed: OpenEffort: 1.00

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Sat Sep 9 06:11:21 2023, comment #6:

Hi निरंजन,

Apologies for the long delay. If the question is still pertinent, then yes, a notice in COPYING will be sufficient.

Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Site AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Sat Nov 19 07:42:29 2022, comment #5:

Is it possible to have a notice of exceptional files in the
COPYING file located in the main folder (i.e., niranjan-rr)
with their respective licenses? The licenses that they seem
to be using give me the right to distribute them as they are
and I don't intend to change them at all. Would that be
alright as per the policies here? I just don't want the main
project to be called a GPLv3+, GFDLv1.3+ and, say, CC-BY-SA
3.0 Unported, licensed work :)

निरंजन <niruvt>
Sat Nov 19 06:37:15 2022, comment #4:


I hadn't expected that this will arise so soon, but a
license-incompatibility situation has come up. The first
planned contribution to this project depends on some data
files which are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported.
Thankfully it still is a free license, but even then it is
incompatible with GPL and GFDL which are the licenses I am
planning to use. My initial plan was to have something like

Main project: niranjan-rr (GPLv3+, GFDLv1.3+)
Sub-projects: Using sub-directories which are independent
submissions/works, provided all of them can be
considered as research works and they fit into
the reproducible research paradigm.

In this case niranjan-rr is kind of a bundle containing a
lot of research-works. If my assumption is right, with this
kind of plan, all the sub-directories MUST also be GPLv3+
and GFDLv1.3+ without fail. Right now I am willing to upload
a project which as mentioned earlier requires some files
with a different license which means those directories. In
this situation will the license of niranjan-rr also change?
I am stuck here. This came up so quickly that I am now
worried that probably this will arise time to time. What
will be the ideal way to resolve this problem?

निरंजन <niruvt>
Mon Oct 31 09:05:13 2022, comment #3:

Thanks for the approval.
The delay is not a problem, don't worry :)

निरंजन <niruvt>
Sat Oct 29 07:46:15 2022, comment #2:

Hi. Apologies for a long delay.

Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Site AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Fri Oct 28 06:51:10 2022, comment #1:

This is just a gentle reminder for reviewing this project request.

निरंजन <niruvt>
Wed Oct 12 06:22:30 2022, original submission:

A new project has been registered at Puszcza
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or discards the registration.

Registration Administration

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, approving or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group Administration page, accessible only to site administrators, effectively logged as site administrators (superuser):

Registration Details

  • Name: Reproducible research by निरंजन
  • System Name: niranjan-rr
  • Type: Software
  • License: GNU General Public License V3 or later (GFDL-v1.3+ for the documentation.)


I am willing to host a repository of all the code I develop
during my ongoing research. I want to keep my research fully
reproducible and to achieve this purpose I am using free
software like LaTeX and R so that publishing the code along
with the output is also possible. This repository is for
hosting all such code. I understand the license requirements
of this place and I plan to adhere to it. In case of any
violation I don't mind my content getting removed.

Other Software Required:

LaTeX and R (base) as of now. If any other dependency is
found; I will open up an item on the site administration and
let the maintainers know about it.

निरंजन <niruvt>


No files currently attached


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -unavailable- added by gray (Posted a comment)
  • -unavailable- added by niruvt (Submitted the item)

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    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Sat Oct 29 07:46:15 2022grayStatusNone=>Done
      Assigned toNone=>gray
      Percent Complete0%=>100%
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