taskLocal Administration - Tasks: task #324, Submission of...

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task #324: Submission of ज्ञानदेवी

Submitted by:  निरंजन <niruvt>
Submitted on:  Thu Jul 7 18:26:21 2022  
Should Start On: Thu Jul 7 00:00:00 2022Should be Finished on: Sun Jul 17 00:00:00 2022
Category: Project ApprovalPriority: 5 - Normal
Status: In ProgressPrivacy: Public
Percent Complete: 10%Assigned to: Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Open/Closed: OpenEffort: 0.00

Sun Jul 10 11:33:54 2022, comment #2:

Thanks Sergey :)

I am glad that you found the "corpus" type useful! Take your time to do whatever is needed.

PS: A bit unrelated, but since you are on it, I will also mention that I am willing to release all the source code (primarily LaTeX and R) of my ongoing PhD thesis following the scheme of reproducible research. Would be REALLY great if "Reproducible research" can also be a type of project here. It is trending these days every where in academia. Sorry if this is too demanding, but I promise this was the last one :)

निरंजन <niruvt>
Sun Jul 10 09:50:14 2022, comment #1:

Hi. The registration is in progress. I believe adding a "Corpus" type is a nice idea. Please allow me some time to do so.

Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Site AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Thu Jul 7 18:26:21 2022, original submission:

A new project has been registered at Puszcza
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or discards the registration.

Registration Administration

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, approving or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group Administration page, accessible only to site administrators, effectively logged as site administrators (superuser):

Registration Details

  • Name: ज्ञानदेवी
  • System Name: dnyanadevi
  • Type: Software
  • License: Other (We intend to use the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike license for this project as it is more of a corpus project rather than a software.)


This project is a repository of a text-based corpus of an medieval text written in Marathi language. It will consist of a git repository which has the version history of the proof reading of the text and we also aim to develop a website for researchers who wish to work on that variety of Marathi.

Other Software Required:

As this project will mainly use the plain text format and html web pages, we potentially don't see any software dependency.

Other Comments:

We have selected software from the list of project types, but actually this is a corpus, so we would appreciate if this type is added to the list for encouraging such projects.

निरंजन <niruvt>


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Carbon-Copy List
  • -unavailable- added by gray (Posted a comment)
  • -unavailable- added by niruvt (Submitted the item)

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    3 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Sun Jul 10 09:50:14 2022grayStatusNone=>In Progress
      Assigned toNone=>gray
      Percent Complete0%=>10%
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