maingsc - Summary

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Project Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: #112
System Name: gsc
Name: gsc
Group Type: Software

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Free Software

This was a landing place for various tools that were considered either too small or too narrowly specialized to merit a separate project. Some of them have since then moved to separate projects, others fell into disuse. Finally, the main gsc package was decommissioned. Currently this project hosts several repositories of working projects that are deployed on servers or elsewhere, but whose future is not clear:

  • mansrv - a CGI server for manpages.
  • mailtrim - removes outdated messages from a mailbox in mbox format in-place.
  • mqrd - Sendmail quarantine queue manager daemon.
  • netplot - graphical processor for NetFlow exports.
  • syslogck - check whether syslog daemon is working.

See subordinate repositories below for a complete list.

Projects that used to be hosted here and that have now been moved to separate repositories:

  • acmeman - a tool for automatic updates of LetsEncrypt certificates.
  • addts - a UNIX filter for marking each line of input with the timestamp (useful with Apache ForensicLog).
  • fileserv - an extra-lightweight HTTP server for static content, designed to facilitate depolyment of LetsEncrypt certificates on servers running reverse proxy software.
  • List::Regexp - Perl module for converting a list of strings to a regular expression.
  • mbar - a flexible mailbox archiver program based on GNU mailutils.
  • mmpri - rsyslog module for altering the facility (and, optionally, severity) messages.
  • releaselogparser - Python framework for parsing release log files in various formats.
  • swu - a tool that examines what programs use the swap space on Linux.
  • tpnotify - notifies the Translation Project about new POT files.

Registration Date: Sun Apr 24 15:54:39 2005
License: GNU General Public License V3 or later
Development Status: 7 - Discontinued


Latest News 
New version of gnupload script
     posted by gray, Thu Oct 16 10:11:20 2008 - 0 replies

A new version of the gnupload script is available in GSC repository ( It supports --symlink command line option, which allows to create symbolic links to the distributed files. Its common usage is to create `foo-latest.tar' links to the most recent tarballs.

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