bugGNU dico - Bugs: bug #600, Please switch to the new PCRE...

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bug #600: Please switch to the new PCRE library

Submitted by:  أحمد المحمودي <aelmahmoudy>
Submitted on:  Sun May 7 23:55:52 2023  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 7 - ImportantStatus: Fixed
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Open/Closed: Closed

Fri May 12 08:56:23 2023, comment #2:

Thanks for reporting. Fixed in commit ef0eb6cc0afc70b381ff99bc0109a976d2ca878b.

Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Thu May 11 03:59:04 2023, comment #1:

I have created a patch which compiles successfully, not sure if it works properly though.

(file #524)

أحمد المحمودي <aelmahmoudy>
Sun May 7 23:55:52 2023, original submission:

Dico uses old, obsolete PCRE library. This has been end of life for a while
now, and upstream do not intend to fix any further bugs in it. Accordingly, it
is planned to removed from Debian.

The newer PCRE2 library was first released in 2015, and has been in
Debian since stretch. Upstream's documentation for PCRE2 is available
here: https://pcre.org/current/doc/html/

Many large projects that use PCRE have made the switch now (e.g. git,
php); it does involve some work, but we are now at the stage where
old PCRE should not be used, particularly if it might ever be exposed to
untrusted input.

أحمد المحمودي <aelmahmoudy>


Attached Files
file #524:  pcre2.diff added by aelmahmoudy (5kB - text/x-diff)


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  • -unavailable- added by gray (Posted a comment)
  • -unavailable- added by aelmahmoudy (Updated the item)

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    5 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Fri May 12 08:56:23 2023grayStatusNone=>Fixed
      Assigned toNone=>gray
    Thu May 11 03:59:04 2023aelmahmoudyAttached File-=>Added pcre2.diff, #524
    Thu May 11 03:58:50 2023aelmahmoudyCarbon-CopyRemoved 201=>-
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