bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #623, Images inverted with dark mode by...

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bug #623: Images inverted with dark mode by default html5 css

Submitted by:  Oliver Freyermuth <olifre>
Submitted on:  Tue Apr 9 00:38:42 2024  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - MinorStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Tue Apr 9 11:18:47 2024, comment #3:

Dear Oliver,

thanks for the confirmation. It was really an omission on my side that I added color inversion, but didn't set the basic colors. I probably forgot to import it from the test file I used at the time. I will add it now.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Tue Apr 9 10:32:47 2024, comment #2:

Dear Michal,

aaah, I see. In fact, my problems were seen with TikZpictures, i.e. I'm the same guy from here:

The black pgfornaments became invisible with a dark theme for me by default, which confused me at first. I then tried with a colourful TikZ picture and saw the colours became inverted, i.e. I used:

\tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={color=black,fill=yellow, opacity=0.7, line width=0.5pt}};

within that example and the ornaments came up with a blue fill colour. But you are fully correct, it does not happen to \includegraphics.

The CSS config you added works perfectly fine for me in the case of black TikZ images, it makes them visible nicely and the body and text are well adapted to the dark theme. So I think this is a large improvement to the default :-).

Oliver Freyermuth <olifre>
Tue Apr 9 10:19:44 2024, comment #1:

Dear Olivier,

Yes, I've added this rule because I've found that images created from math or TikZ images with transparent backgrounds were completely black. They always have a filename that starts with the \jobname, so src^="\jobname" should match only these images, as opposed to pictures included by \includegraphics, which generally aren't named the same as the main document. So, it is really strange that the images you included are inverted. This rule shouldn't apply to them.

But as you wrote that you have a white background, I realized we don't set a dark background in the dark mode. We should fix that. Does the following config file work for you?

body {
background-color: Canvas;
color: CanvasText;
color-scheme: light dark;

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Tue Apr 9 00:38:42 2024, original submission:

Dear Karl,

feel free to close if this is intended — after updating from TeXlive 2021 to 2023, I noticed that with the default CSS and HTML5 mode in a dark-themed browser, all image colours are inverted.

Body background colour and text colours are unaffected, but images are caught by the rule:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
img[src^="\jobname"]{filter: invert(1); }

which was added in https://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/generic/tex4ht/tex4ht-html5.tex?r1=64099&r2=65513 . The comment there mentions this is a fix for:
"background of generated images in the dark mode"
so I presume it was added on purpose.

It seems quite irritating for a default — black graphics (e.g. pgfornaments) vanish against the white background when shown in a dark-themed browser, and photos get inverted colours.

I'm personally using:

filter: drop-shadow(7px 7px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)) invert(0) !important;

in my CSS for all images to overwrite that. and of course "nostyle" might be what I should actually be using when using a custom CSS.

As outlined, if the default is intended, feel free to close.

Oliver Freyermuth <olifre>


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