Sat Oct 21 10:28:56 2023, original submission:
reference and screen shots at
When using with tex4ht and using guide lines, then tex4ht generates image files which are empty or invalid and this result on the web page that looks like this
enter image description here
While the pdf look like this
enter image description here
I am using latest TL 2023 updated now.
Here is the code for the above
\usepackage[noEnd=false, indLines=true ]{algpseudocodex}
\caption{Series method for first order ode}\label{seriesMethodFirstOrderOde}
\Require First order ode $F(x,y,y')=0$
\If{$f(x,y)$ analytic at $x_0$}
\State Apply Taylor series defintion directly to find the series expansion. Let
\State do something else
Compiled using
make4ht -ulm default -a debug foo.tex "mathjax,htm,nostyle"
The solution is to replace indLines=true with indLines=false when compiling with tex4ht. Now it gives this html
enter image description here
So the guide lines are giving tex4ht hard time. It is generating lots of empty or invalid .svg images for these lines and that why the browser shows these dots on the page.
Is it possible to have the guide line show in html also like in PDF? If not, may be tex4ht can ignore this option?
TL 2023.