bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #556, Compatibility with...

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bug #556: Compatibility with threeparttable.sty (with patch)

Submitted by:  Florent Rougon <frougon>
Submitted on:  Sun Mar 6 23:41:19 2022  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Wed Mar 9 08:58:40 2022, comment #11:

Thanks Karl! So I think we can close this issue now.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Wed Mar 9 08:09:50 2022, comment #10:

Wow, that was quick!

I updated my TL this morning and tested both situations:

- with \Hinput{threeparttable} added at the end of the file at [1];

- with that file removed (which we should do in a few years... when we can assume that all contributors have a recent enough TeX4ht to support threeparttable).

Both appear to work fine. Many thanks to you, Michal and Karl! :-)


[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/getstart/ci/next/tree/source/threeparttable.4ht

Florent Rougon <frougon>
Tue Mar 8 23:28:59 2022, comment #9:

I installed the changes in TL for tonight's update.

Karl Berry <karl>
Project Administrator
Tue Mar 8 17:41:03 2022, comment #8:

Thanks for your explanation, Michal.

Do you have an approximate idea of when the new code will be in TeX Live to allow me to test? I mean, is the ETA like 2 months or more like 1 or 2 years? :-) If possible, I'd like to make it so that [1] works in both situations: with a TeX4ht from before or from after the fix you just made.

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/getstart/ci/next/tree/source/threeparttable.4ht

Florent Rougon <frougon>
Tue Mar 8 15:57:13 2022, comment #7:

There are two types of .4ht files. First contain patches for particular packages, like threeparttable.4ht. Other contain configurations with actual markup, so html4.4ht contains markup for HTML, ooffice.4ht has markup for ODT output, and so on.

With \Hinput, you can require markup configurations for the particular package from the second type of .4ht file. So when html4.4ht contains configurations for threeparttable, it will be used, and will insert HTML tags for threeparttable environment, so you can then use CSS to change it's rendering.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Tue Mar 8 15:45:24 2022, comment #6:

The difficulty with “remove this file after TeX Live update” is that I'm not the only person who builds the manual in the getstart repository[1]. And we don't all have the same version of TeX Live (I'm not even sure everyone uses TeX Live, though it's probably the case for the currently active translators).

I don't know what magic this \Hinput{threeparttable} command does, but I tried to add it as you said at the end of my local copy of [2], built with my version of TeX Live (which doesn't have your recent commit) and... it doesn't seem to hurt. :-)

So, if this will allow to seamlessly handle the forecoming situation where the installed version of TeX Live will have threeparttable support, then I'll commit this to [2].

Thanks & regards

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/getstart/ci/next/tree/
[2] https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/getstart/ci/next/tree/source/threeparttable.4ht

Florent Rougon <frougon>
Tue Mar 8 14:16:33 2022, comment #5:

You should remove this file after TeX Live update, as it will prevent the correct version from loading. Or you can continue to use it, just add \Hinput{threeparttable} at the end. It will include some HTML tags for the environments.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Tue Mar 8 14:12:15 2022, comment #4:

Many thanks, Michal!

Is there some test I could use in https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/getstart/ci/next/tree/source/threeparttable.4ht in order to do nothing if the version of TeX4ht in use already has the fix?

Florent Rougon <frougon>
Tue Mar 8 09:45:26 2022, comment #3:

I've just posted the threeparttable support to TeX4ht sources.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Tue Mar 8 07:35:27 2022, comment #2:

That's great to hear Michal, thanks a lot!


Florent Rougon <frougon>
Mon Mar 7 21:07:08 2022, comment #1:

Dear Florent,

thanks for the report and for the patch. You were right in the identification of the source of the HTML validation issue. I will make a proper treeparttable.4ht that will provide also some formatting soon.


Best regards,

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Sun Mar 6 23:41:19 2022, original submission:

Dear TeX4ht maintainer,

This may seem rather irrelevant these days... let's just make sure this doesn't get lost.

I found that the threeparttable environment from threeparttable.sty causes problems with TeX4ht:

[WARNING] domfilter: DOM parsing of document.html failed:
[WARNING] domfilter: ...ive/2021/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaxml/luaxml-mod-xml.lua:175: Unbalanced Tag (/div) [char=713]

After some investigation, I found a fix which appears to work fine—at least for for my use. There may well be a better way, as I'm not very comfortable with the TeX4ht internals (latex.4ht, automatic insertion of <p> and </p> for environments, etc.).

I'm attaching a .tex file with my fix; I compile it with 'make4ht document.tex'. If you comment out the remainder of the preamble after the \usepackage{threeparttable} call, you should see the above error messages when compiling.

Tested with tex4ht.sty version 2021-09-14-14:11 from the TeX Live distro.

Thanks & regards

P.S.: this is used in the FlightGear manual; I put the fix in https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/getstart/ci/next/tree/source/threeparttable.4ht (I hope this is a good way before a fix is in TeX4ht itself and/or threeparttable.sty).

Florent Rougon <frougon>


Attached Files
file #508:  document.tex added by frougon (677B - text/x-tex)


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    2 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Wed Mar 9 08:58:40 2022michal_h21Open/ClosedOpen=>Closed
    Sun Mar 6 23:41:19 2022frougonAttached File-=>Added document.tex, #508
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