bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #530, Starred (sub)paragraph swallowed...

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bug #530: Starred (sub)paragraph swallowed on ODT output

Submitted by:  Jürgen Spitzmüller <jspitzm>
Submitted on:  Sat Oct 9 12:17:17 2021  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Wed Oct 13 10:45:52 2021, comment #4:

That's good to hear! I will slowly solve the other issues, hopefully.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Wed Oct 13 10:41:07 2021, comment #3:

I copied over the changes of Revision 993 to my local tree: Looks as expected now (in ODT), thanks.

This ticket can be closed.

Jürgen Spitzmüller <jspitzm>
Tue Oct 12 15:27:10 2021, comment #2:

Thanks for the report. I've found that your example caused issues even in the HTML mode. Fortunately, the issue was quite easy to fix.

In the ODT format, it was caused by the wrong handling of paragraphs, so the subsequent \paragraph commands were hidden by LO, even if the text was here.

In HTML, the subparagraphs were numbered, and the paragraph heading was in a separate paragraph.

I hopefully fixed these issues in both formats.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Sat Oct 9 13:03:26 2021, comment #1:

Actually, my diagnose is wrong. The starred commands themselves do work. But from subsequent [sub]paragraph[*] commands within one [sub]section, only the first one is printed, the others are swallowed! Please have a look at the second MWE.

(file #436, file #437)

Jürgen Spitzmüller <jspitzm>
Sat Oct 9 12:17:17 2021, original submission:

This is a follow-up to bug #491.

With KOMA book, \paragraph* and \subparagraph* are not output at all to ODT. The headings are simply swallowed.

They should be handled analogously to the unstarred styles (without TOC addition).

MWE attached.

Jürgen Spitzmüller <jspitzm>


Attached Files
file #436:  scrbook-paragraph2.tex added by jspitzm (249B - text/x-tex)
file #437:  scrbook-paragraph2.odt added by jspitzm (7kB - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
file #434:  scrbook-paragraph.tex added by jspitzm (241B - text/x-tex)
file #435:  scrbook-paragraph.odt added by jspitzm (7kB - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)


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  • -unavailable- added by michal_h21 (Posted a comment)
  • -unavailable- added by jspitzm (Submitted the item)

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    5 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Wed Oct 13 10:45:52 2021michal_h21Open/ClosedOpen=>Closed
    Sat Oct 9 13:03:25 2021jspitzmAttached File-=>Added scrbook-paragraph2.tex, #436
      Attached File-=>Added scrbook-paragraph2.odt, #437
    Sat Oct 9 12:17:17 2021jspitzmAttached File-=>Added scrbook-paragraph.tex, #434
      Attached File-=>Added scrbook-paragraph.odt, #435
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