bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #493, BibLaTeX footnote-dw citation...

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bug #493: BibLaTeX footnote-dw citation final full stop sometimes added where it isn’t in PDF output

Submitted by:  Lorenz <pripple>
Submitted on:  Wed Dec 2 12:36:32 2020  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Wed Dec 9 17:26:31 2020, comment #6:

Hi Lorenz, it shouldn't be hard to add support for other quotation marks in the .cfg file.

I don't know if it is a good idea to make this change global, because it can break other things. I think it is best to keep it in a .cfg file for now.

Best regards,

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Wed Dec 9 16:44:09 2020, comment #5:

Hi Michal, thank you so much, that works perfect now! I would still like to try and enhance this cfg file so that it can handle also other types of closing quotation marks (that might also follow each other), but of course, we can close this issue so far.

Would you consider this to be something one has to specify manually or should it somehow be added automatically if, e.g., the babel language is German?

Thanks again, take care –

Lorenz <pripple>
Wed Dec 9 14:09:20 2020, comment #4:

Hi Lorenz, what about this version of the .cfg file? It checks for previous dot before quote.

(file #394)

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Wed Dec 9 12:44:40 2020, comment #3:

Hi, thank you very much, Michal! I am just handing in a paper, this is the cause of my delay. With the new configuration, it doesn’t add dots anymore even when there is no dot present at all. I am trying to work on this as you showed me the first steps, so I am not closing this issue yet, however, for this paper, I will maybe just continue using Find-Replace on in LibreOffice for now. ;)
Best regards, Lorenz

Lorenz <pripple>
Fri Dec 4 18:43:54 2020, comment #2:

Here is another version of the configuration file that fixes even the “ character.

(file #390)

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Fri Dec 4 15:13:38 2020, comment #1:

Hello Lorenz,

I can confirm this issue. It happens with the --lua option, because we handle the Unicode characters in the way that is incompatible with the Biblatex punctuation tracker. This is not something that can be fixed easily.

I've found a fix at least for the \enquote command. Try the attached .cfg file using

make4ht -l -c hej.cfg mwe.tex "fn-in"

(file #389)

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Wed Dec 2 12:36:32 2020, original submission:

Hi, I am experiencing a problem in the context of BibLaTeX which is related to the (Thank you again!) closed issue https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/index.php?492, however, it might have a completely different reason.

When typesetting through LuaLaTeX, a citation suffix ending in .“ (German closing quotation mark) doesn’t get another full stop added in the footnote-dw citation style, regardless of the babel settings. In TeX4ht, this becomes .“. – with English quotation marks, it works, again regardless of the babel settings: .” stays.

I have added a mwe.tex and the output when processed through both

latexmk -pdflua mwe.tex


make4ht -l mwe.tex "fn-in"

The behaviour is the same with the odt format (-f odt).

As the BibLaTeX customizations in tex4ht-4ht.tex are very long, I don’t know where the problem is. Those inconsistencies in the differences between PDF and HTML output seem strange to me …

Best regards, Lorenz

Lorenz <pripple>


Attached Files
file #394:  hej.cfg added by michal_h21 (309B - application/octet-stream)
file #390:  hej.cfg added by michal_h21 (205B - application/octet-stream)
file #389:  hej.cfg added by michal_h21 (161B - application/octet-stream)
file #386:  mwe.tex added by pripple (986B - application/x-tex)
file #387:  mwe.pdf added by pripple (19kB - application/pdf)
file #388:  mwe.html added by pripple (2kB - text/html)


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Carbon-Copy List
  • -unavailable- added by michal_h21 (Updated the item)
  • -unavailable- added by pripple (Submitted the item)

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    7 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Wed Dec 9 17:26:31 2020michal_h21Open/ClosedOpen=>Closed
    Wed Dec 9 14:09:20 2020michal_h21Attached File-=>Added hej.cfg, #394
    Fri Dec 4 18:43:54 2020michal_h21Attached File-=>Added hej.cfg, #390
    Fri Dec 4 15:13:38 2020michal_h21Attached File-=>Added hej.cfg, #389
    Wed Dec 2 12:36:32 2020prippleAttached File-=>Added mwe.tex, #386
      Attached File-=>Added mwe.pdf, #387
      Attached File-=>Added mwe.html, #388
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