bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #492, BibLaTeX footnotes not showing as...

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bug #492: BibLaTeX footnotes not showing as footnotes in ODT, nor cross-references, minor final punctuation issue also in HTML

Submitted by:  Lorenz <pripple>
Submitted on:  Thu Nov 26 16:46:44 2020  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Sat Nov 28 12:55:32 2020, comment #6:

Thank you for your kind words, Lorenz.

That's great that you managed to compile the literate sources.
The chapter about development is messy right now, as it contains duplicate information compiled from various places, but it contains some information about literate sources, their syntax and .4ht files: https://www.kodymirus.cz/tex4ht-doc/Fordevelopers.html#x11-9600010.3

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Fri Nov 27 14:39:09 2020, comment #5:

Great, thank you so much, Michal!

I just realized after posting that my last comment was cut from a UTF-8 emoticon I used onwards … Anyway, I just wanted to emphasize my gratitude.

I was already on the way to find that file after having checked out the SVN repository, but maybe I wouldn’t have found it and anyway, you did so much faster.

I have also understood now that these lit files are compiled to a sty file, in this case …texmf-dist/tex/generic/tex4ht/ooffice.4ht — As I didn’t want to wait for your change to appear on TeX Live, I just deleted line 6999 in this file, and now footnote-dw citations work also in ODT output! Thank you!!!

Putting common issues first is a very good approach to documentation. After all, someone (like me) steps in, wants to try if a tool is worth further exploration … In those situations, it is important to have the most simple approach first, get something running, and dive into further customization later on.

Best regards, Lorenz

Lorenz <pripple>
Fri Nov 27 13:17:23 2020, comment #4:

Hi Lorenz,

I've just found what was the issue. There was a really old code for footnote-dw in TeX4ht sources. It disabled the footnote support in citations. I don't know what was the reason for it, it seems that it was here since 2008. There could be some issues back then, but everything works OK now, so I removed this code. Footnote citations now work even inthe ODT output.

The documentation is still an incomplete draft, so I don't promote it much. Maybe I should, since I try to put here some common issues first.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Thu Nov 26 23:53:47 2020, comment #3:

Hi Michal,

thank you for your suggestions!

I have tried it myself, and with the command you showed me, the HTML5 output is exactly how I would expect it. Great, thank you!

I have also tried the ODT command you showed me, and now the cross-references work. Great, thank you! As you realized yourself, the citations (all of them) still aren’t put in footnotes as they are in the HTML5 (and PDF) output. Only the standard footnotes are put out as footnotes. Anyway, I will report this achievement over in the BibLaTeX issue, but it seems to me now that the HTML5 output is completely as expected that it is rather an issue with the ODT output here.

Your documentation resources are great, thank you for them! There, I would have found the correct command in the first place more easily.

Lorenz <pripple>
Thu Nov 26 20:53:30 2020, comment #2:

Hi Lorenz,

your file seems to be good in HTML, see the attached file. You get your output in Latin 1 encoding because you need to pass additional parameters to htxelatex, like:

mk4ht htxelatex mwe.tex "html,charset=utf-8,fn-in“ " -utf8 -cmozhtf"

Easier way is to use make4ht:

make4ht -l mwe.tex "fn-in"

It produces UTF-8 output by default. The -x option requires LuaLaTeX, which you seem to actually prefer over XeLaTeX in the PDF mode.

It is also easier to produce the ODT file:

make4ht -l -f odt mwe.tex

("fn-in" option doesn't work in the ODT output). In this case, some citations are inserted inline instead of in footnotes, which is a bug that I will try to fix.

Don't worry about the TUG mailing list, it is mailing list for TeX4ht development, so it is OK.

My work-in progress documentation about TeX4ht is here: https://www.kodymirus.cz/tex4ht-doc/tex4ht-doc.html

As I said, it is work in progress, so there is lot of stuff that I put here from other sources, so it is bit chaotic and lot of stuff is missing. Some information is also old and obsolete (especially the tutorial).

See also the make4ht doc: https://www.kodymirus.cz/make4ht/make4ht-doc.html

Best regards,

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Thu Nov 26 16:52:49 2020, comment #1:

Hi everyone, I see now that this is automatically sent to the TUG mailing list (this is my first time here), so I am adding what I wanted to post only there as a comment:

Can anyone point me to what I am doing wrong, or advise me what I could do about it? I like this LaTeX-internal approach to conversion and I would like to invest some time, however, I don’t really have much experience in in-depth (La)TeX programming. I am quick to learn such stuff, however, when someone puts me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance for any direction with this! — Best regards, Lorenz

Lorenz <pripple>
Thu Nov 26 16:46:44 2020, original submission:

Hi, I am trying to convert a simple LaTeX article, using only sections, emphasis, cross-references and BibLaTeX footnote citations to ODT using ooxelatex (because I need UTF-8 characters).

I am running into two issues, and I have also opened an issue at the BibLaTeX issue tracker (concerning the BibLaTeX warning described below) at https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/1078:


Issue 1: In the ODT, cross-references are not shown and citations are put out in text instead of footnotes.

There is a warning shown that isn’t shown in the LuaLaTeX compile: Package biblatex Warning: Patching footnotes failed. Footnote detection will not work. — Is this something that has to be fixed on the BibLaTeX side?


I tried HTML output to check where the issue is in the pipeline. In the HTML output, both cross-references show up and citations are put in footnotes as expected. In the HTML output, only another small issue arises:

Issue 2: In HTML, the final full stop in a footnote citation isn’t suppressed in circumstances where it is correctly suppressed in the LuaLaTeX PDF output.

The same warning is shown as mentioned above.


I am posting this to the mailing list, too (sorry if wrong), and attach below a mwe.tex and, before that, three commands that show my issues. I am using the current version (2020-11-23-10:05), generated from tex4ht-mkht.tex, as currently included in TeX Live, and also the current version of BibLaTeX included in TeX Live, 3.15a (2020-08-23).

Best regards, Lorenz


The three commands:

latexmk -pdf -pdflatex=lualatex mwe.tex
→ Puts out everything as I expect it: Full sentence quotations with a full stop at the end in the suffix end in .” – other quotations end in ”.

mk4ht ooxelatex mwe.tex
→ Doesn’t put out cites in footnotes, doesn’t put out cross-references.

mk4ht htxelatex mwe.tex "html,charset=utf-8,fn-in“
→ Doesn’t manage the final full stop as I expect it: Full sentence quotations with a full stop at the end in the suffix end in .”. (last full stop should be omitted) – other quotations end (as expected) in ”.

(There is another small issue that I couldn’t figure out so far: I can make it put out a UTF-8 encoding meta tag, but the file is still encoded in some ISO Latin 1 encoding and I have to convert it to display correctly in the browser.)


The mwe.tex:

% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
author = {Doe, John},
journal = {The \TeX 4ht Journal},
number = {3},
pages = {393–396},
title = {A Bibliographer’s \TeX nic Inquiry},
volume = {25},
year = {1989}}


This is where I would like to have the full stop only \emph{inside} the curly quotes.\cite[See][3, consider especially: “It can be difficult to deal with full stops and curly quotes.”]{my_article}

This is where the full stop should go at the very end.\cite[See][4, “different situation”]{my_article}


Lorem ipsum dolor\label{dolor} sit amet.\footnote{Test with a \label{testnt} label.}

Lorem ipsum dolor (sicut \ref{dolor}) sit amet.\footnote{Exactly like in n.~\ref{testnt}.}

\section{Some UTF-8 characters}



Lorenz <pripple>


Attached Files
file #383:  mwe.html added by michal_h21 (3kB - text/html)
file #377:  mwe.tex added by pripple (1001B - application/x-tex - (mwe.html already transcoded to UTF-8 from ISO Latin 1.))
file #378:  mwe.odt added by pripple (7kB - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text - (mwe.html already transcoded to UTF-8 from ISO Latin 1.))
file #379:  mwe.pdf added by pripple (22kB - application/pdf - (mwe.html already transcoded to UTF-8 from ISO Latin 1.))
file #380:  mwe.html added by pripple (3kB - text/html - (mwe.html already transcoded to UTF-8 from ISO Latin 1.))


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    6 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Sun Nov 29 22:03:04 2020michal_h21Open/ClosedOpen=>Closed
    Thu Nov 26 23:01:40 2020michal_h21Attached File-=>Added mwe.html, #383
    Thu Nov 26 16:46:44 2020prippleAttached File-=>Added mwe.tex, #377
      Attached File-=>Added mwe.odt, #378
      Attached File-=>Added mwe.pdf, #379
      Attached File-=>Added mwe.html, #380
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