Mon Oct 26 22:35:17 2020, comment #1:
The simplest thing you can do is to convert your whole inline math to image, using for example:
httex filename "xhtml,html5,pic-m"
Also, it works in MathML:
htttex filename "xhtml,html5,mathml,mathjax"
As it works in MathML, it is obvious that it is possible to configure \over to produce sensible output in plain HTML. Here is a sample HTML document:
${a+2 \over b} $
$ 1 + \begingroup a \over b \endgroup + 2$
$ 1 + \bgroup a \over b \egroup + 2$
$ 1 + { a \over b \egroup + 2$
$ 1 + \bgroup a \over b } + 2$
And here is a config file:
{\Send{GROUP}{0}{<span class="fraction"><span class="top">}\IgnoreRule\HCode{</span>}}
{\HCode{<span class="bottom">}\EndIgnoreRule\Send{EndGROUP}{0}{</span></span>}}
.fraction {
display: inline-flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 0 2px;
align-items: center;
\Css{.top {
border-bottom: 2px solid grey;
It uses CSS flex box to render fractions.
I don't really understand how \Send command works, as it is not really documented anywhere in TeX4ht sources. But it can be used in these cases to insert HTML code at beginning and end of the current group. It works only in \DviMath mode, which is why the following configuration is necessary:
I don't know if it will have any side effects on other math configurations, hopefully not.
Compile the example using
make4ht -c config.cfg sample.tex