bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #476, Error in `make update`

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bug #476: Error in `make update`

Submitted by:  Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Submitted on:  Thu Jul 9 19:33:55 2020  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Fri Jul 10 13:37:22 2020, comment #2:

OK, so it is best just to use `make` for casual users that just want to compile sources. I was just curious if I am missing something :)

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Thu Jul 9 22:30:51 2020, comment #1:

I wrote make update for myself, some years ago, to help with syncing tex4ht dev and tl. I don't expect anyone else to be using it. I promise nothing about it, including whether it will keep existing.

Anyway, I don't see the error offhand. The line number is misleading. Have to divide and conquer the update target to see where the problem is, and I can't do that now. I'll get to it eventually, or if someone else cares and gets to it first, great.

Karl Berry <karl>
Project Administrator
Thu Jul 9 19:33:55 2020, original submission:

I've got a report that the `make update` command is broken. It fails with this message:

Makefile:572: *** unterminated variable reference. Stop.

I don't even remember what is `make update` good for, and I don't see any problem on line 572, so I hope someone understands it better.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member


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