bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #278, Wrong mathml with $\langle$

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bug #278: Wrong mathml with $\langle$

Submitted by:  Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Submitted on:  Thu Mar 31 11:34:24 2016  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Thu Aug 27 11:17:20 2020, comment #2:

The code from mathml- option for MathClass configurations is now used by default for the MathML output. The previous default code just produced invalid markup in too many cases. See: https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht/issues/34

There is small difference in the MathML rendering from the default TeX output, as brackets are scaled automatically to match the enclosed content. I hope that it is not really issue.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Wed Jul 1 11:02:51 2020, comment #1:

The mathml- option doesn't insert extra <mrow> elements, so it produces valid MathML code. Semantically, <mrow> should be used to enclose the operator and the fenced code. The MathML code in this case is inserted using ht-fonts mechanism in tex4ht DVI processor. It would be best if it was possible to insert some code in the DVI post-processing in the case when there is unclosed delimiter.

This is the relevant code from tex4ht-mathml.tex:

\:CheckOption{mathml-}     \if:Option 
   \Configure{MathClass}{4}{*}{<\a:mathml mo\Hnewline
                           {</\a:mathml mo>}{}
   \Configure{MathClass}{5}{*}{<\a:mathml mo\Hnewline
                           {</\a:mathml mo>}{}
   \Log:Note{for sources failing to produce
       clean mathml code, try the command line option `mathml-'}%
   \Configure{MathClass}{4}{*}{<\a:mathml mrow
                                     ><\a:mathml mo\Hnewline
                           {</\a:mathml mo><\a:mathml mrow>}{}
   \Configure{MathClass}{5}{*}{</\a:mathml mrow><\a:mathml mo\Hnewline
                           {</\a:mathml mo></\a:mathml mrow>}{}
Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Thu Mar 31 11:34:24 2016, original submission:

This sample document:



hello $\langle$

generates wrong mathml:

display="inline" ><mrow ><mo

note the second `<mrow>` tag, there should be closing tag instead. tex4ht expects that there is some more math content following and it is then closed using `\rangle`, which correctly insert closing `</mrow>`.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member


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