bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #254, tex4ht breaks

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bug #254: tex4ht breaks

Submitted by:  Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Submitted on:  Sun Jun 7 20:17:04 2015  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

Wed Jul 1 10:24:10 2020, comment #6:

I don't remember if we solved this, but the testing files are no longer available, so it is not possible to fix.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Mon Jun 8 13:24:42 2015, comment #5:

Ok, I have now a reduced version of my project which shows the problem. It's still quite big, but when I reduced it more, the problem didn't show up anymore. You can get the ZIP file here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35828/Test.zip

Something strange on top: The problem only shows when I run biber first. So the problem shows up with the following sequence:

`mk4ht oolatex dissschuerenlatex.tex my`
`biber dissschuerenlatex`
`mk4ht oolatex dissschuerenlatex.tex my?

After the first mk4ht run, I get a working .odt file, after the second run, no new file is produced.

Notice that I include several files with \include from my master file. If I comment the last one (Kapitel/philosophisches.tex) out, everything works fine. Even when I run biber.

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Mon Jun 8 07:29:32 2015, comment #4:

It's a PhD thesis in film studies, so there's not any math involved (at least not to my knowledge).

I'll see whether I can post it. It's really quite a beast, with lots of figures, a huge .bib file and other stuff.

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Mon Jun 8 06:39:48 2015, comment #3:

I think it would be best to post the sources somewhere. xtpipes are used for math processing in .odt generation, so it might be some problem with invalid mathml code produced by tex4ht.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Mon Jun 8 06:24:41 2015, comment #2:

I could post the source file, but it's very long, and it's definitely not a problem of closed brackets or something along these lines. The problem really is not one of a 'traditional' bug in the source code since I don't see any pattern in the failing.

When I try to compile it with 'mk4ht xhmlatex', everything runs smoothly. So far, neither Word nor LibreOffice are able to import the resulting .html file though.

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>
Sun Jun 7 21:53:42 2015, comment #1:

Without the source file, it is difficult to track down the error location and the causes for the errors.

Does it generate html that renders correctly in your browser? Does it parse OK? If not, it will not pass through xtpipes. Looks line you have missing closing tag for some elements.

Once it fails, strangely, the scripts triggered by t4ht grab all files in the directory and try to create an odt. Very strange behavior and is highly unreliable. I do not feel like relying on xtpipes, better, you might import the html in your preferred word processor and export to the word processor format.

CV Radhakrishnan <cvr>
Project Administrator
Sun Jun 7 20:17:04 2015, original submission:

Sorry for the unspecific title, but this is really odd. I have a quite complex document – more than 300 pages, lots of biblatex references and cross refs – and when I try to create an .odt file with 'mk4ht oolatex file' it always breaks.

texh4 it doesn't stopp with an error message but somehow fails to 'construct' the .odt file. xtpipes creates errors, and all kind of files are 'updated' which are not part of the project but which are in the same directory (see the attached file, it's the last part of the shell output).

The problem is I am unable to isolate the problem. I tried all kind of ways to reduce the file, but somehow it seems that it just breaks at a certain size, it doesn't seem related to any specific code.

Simon Spiegel <simifilm>


Attached Files
file #214:  log.txt added by simifilm (53kB - text/plain)


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  • -unavailable- added by simifilm (Submitted the item)

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    2 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Wed Jul 1 10:24:10 2020michal_h21Open/ClosedOpen=>Closed
    Sun Jun 7 20:17:04 2015simifilmAttached File-=>Added log.txt, #214
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