bugtex4ht - Bugs: bug #143, Including tikz pictures with...

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bug #143: Including tikz pictures with pgfsys-tex4ht.def closes paragraph inside figure.

Submitted by:  Mikael Öhman <micket>
Submitted on:  Fri Aug 5 16:11:09 2011  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Closed

(-) Discussion

Wed Jun 7 10:30:26 2023, comment #1:

The current TikZ driver (not pgfsys-tex4ht.def, but pgfsys-dvisvgm4ht.def) works correctly for this. You don't need to define the \pgfsysdriver command, it is used automatically by TeX4ht.

Michal Hoftich <michal_h21>
Project Member
Fri Aug 5 16:11:09 2011, original submission:

It seems that trying to use a simple tikz figure with math doesn't work out nicely.
A very simple example is:

\draw[->] (0,0) -- (1,0);

Compiled with
mk4ht htlatex test.tex
the <p> tag isn't closed (but a browser will probably display it correctly regardless).

Compiled with
mk4ht mzlatex test.tex
the <p> tag is closed inside the test-1.svg figure, breaking both the main test.xml document, as well as the figure.
The first part inside the svg document is:
<g transform="translate(0, 0.2 ) scale(1,-1) translate(0,0.2 )">

Mikael Öhman <micket>


(-) Attached Files

Attached Files
file #105:  test-1.svg added by micket (976B - image/svg+xml - Faulty files generated with mzlatex)
file #106:  test.css added by micket (7kB - text/css - Faulty files generated with mzlatex)
file #107:  test.xml added by micket (1005B - text/xml - Faulty files generated with mzlatex)


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