bugThe LaTeX-bundle udiss - Bugs: bug #643, To fork or not to fork?

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bug #643: To fork or not to fork?

Submitted by:  Miguel Pagano <miguelpagano>
Submitted on:  Fri Dec 27 04:53:42 2024  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: Open

Thu Jan 2 06:50:06 2025, comment #1:

Hello Miguel,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the delayed response,
the email somehow went to an address that wasn't active (now

Don't worry about asking a question on the issue tracker.
It's an open space for discussion :)

It's a great news that you want to extend the ideas of udiss
and develop something. As described in section 2.4 of the
documentation, you are encouraged to contribute to udiss,
but of course, since it's a free (as in freedom) program,
you can choose to develop things your way too. The bundle is
hosted on a platform which adheres to the ethical repository
criteria [1], but unfortunately it doesn't support the idea
of "forks". You may send git patches [2]. It's a slightly
old method, but it's the same underlying thing which on
modern platforms is called "pull requests".

If you want to use the class on top of udiss, this thread
can be used for discussing your requirements.

Just a small caveat: If you develop anything using udiss,
don't forget to license it under GPL, GFDL combo as that's a
requirement of the copyleft license of udiss. Feel free to
ask any doubts.

Thanks again for inspecting the program carefully and
showing interest in it!


[1]: https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria.html
[2]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-format-patch


Indian TeX Users Group <tugindia>
Project Administrator
Fri Dec 27 04:53:42 2024, original submission:

First of all, sorry for polluting your issue tracker with a question. I couldn't find any other mean to reach you.

I'm a professor of Computer Science at FAMAF-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in Argentina. I'm just starting to write a document class for undergraduate thesis. It seems that your project is close to what I've thought (written in LaTeX3 and with a nice interface).

I want to extend (in some respects) your class, customize some commands, and provide a Spanish interface. For this last item I doubt whether to fork your package or write a class on top of yours.

Thanks in advance,
Miguel Pagano

Miguel Pagano <miguelpagano>


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    Fri Dec 27 04:53:42 2024miguelpaganoCarbon-Copy-=>Added -unavailable-
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