helpListings package for LaTeX - Support: sr #303, listings.sty problems and...

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sr #303: listings.sty problems and (pseudo?)solutions

Submitted by:  Brooks Moses <brooks>
Submitted on:  Wed Apr 13 05:02:56 2011  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: None
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: None
Open/Closed: OpenOperating System: None

Wed Apr 13 05:02:56 2011, original submission:

Ulrich Breymann wrote, on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 11:27:28 +0200:

Dear Brooks Moses,

years ago I needed al package like listings.sty, but had no
knowledge of it. Therefore I wrote a similiar thing. Today I
prefer listings.sty. My publisher wants now to have Crystal as font for
listigs. As I am a German author, I also use umlaute äöüÄÖÜß.
I encountered several little problems:

1. The asterisk is not in Crystal
2. the C decrement operator -- will appear as an em-dash
3. The C comment /* */ does not have the same space between chars
and does not process latex-commands
4. Umlaute result in thin white lines directly above the Umlaute
(see lstlist1.pdf)

I could correct 1. and 2. by changing listings.sty
\lst@ProcessOther {"2A}{\lst@ttfamily**}
\lst@ProcessOther {"2D}{\lst@ttfamily{-{}}{-}}
(see lstlist2.pdf)
but I consider this not a good method in general.

I add the source as lstlist.tex

My own package solves the problems 1 to 4! But it is not able
- to compute the pagebreak
- to change the character distance
- and a lot of things more,
that is why listings.sty is much better for most cases. But perhaps
it is interesting for you and the listings community to layout properly
also /* */ comments and to avoid white lines with Umlaute, see

I added also the source as lstlistprog.tex and also
the stylefile ct.sty.

Because of my limited Latex-programming understanding,
the ct.sty code is not professionally written, in contrast
to listings.sty, which I admit not to understand fully.
Also I have to do adjustments in ct.sty for each font combination.
Please ignore this. But possibly it might contain some ideas
to improve listings.sty w.r.t. point 3 above, as shown in

If a fully layout is not possible (listings.sty relies on \n),
perhaps the line structure in /* */ has to maintained.

Kind regards






/* C-Comment with \emph{Latex-Command}, which does not work with lstlisting.
The distance between characters is not the same as in the C++ line comment.
Umlaute: ÄÖÜ
// C++-Comment with \emph{Latex-Command} which \emph{does} work here.
int* ptr; // look at asterisk: \tt{*} or \textasteriskcentered ?
int i = 70;
while(i > 64) { // print some ASCII-chars
cout << "char = " << (char) i << endl;
--i; // en-dash or not?


Attachment Converted: "d:\programs\eudora\attach\lstlistprog.pdf"


\subsubsection*{prog Test}
normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. normal text. \medskip

/*C-Comment with \emph{Latex-Command}, which does not work with lstlisting.
The distance between characters is not the same as in the C++ line comment.
Umlaute: ÄÖÜ. Layout is LaTex. Here comes a line-break:\\
A formula: $\Sigma_0^N x_i$
// C++-Comment with \emph{Latex-Command} which \emph{does} work here.
int* ptr; // look at asterisk: \tt{*} or \textasteriskcentered ?
int i = 70;
cout << "String with Umlaut ÄÖÜ" << endl;
while(i > 64) { // print some ASCII-chars
cout << "char = " << (char) i << endl; \hfill // hfill works here
--i; // en-dash or not?

%Here comes the verbatim listing


\def\0{{\tt \char92\relax 0}}
\def\n{{\tt \char92\relax n}}
\def\t{{\tt \char92\relax t}}

\newcounter{blankscounter}% for comment indent
\newcounter{parZahl}% to avoid 2 pars in case of 2 CR
\ifodd theparZahl\par\else\setcounter{parZahl}{0}\fi}%
\def\myobeyspaces{\catcode`\ =\active}
{\myobeyspaces\global\let =\myspace}




\begingroup \catcode`\-=\active
\begingroup \catcode`\/=\active

\begingroup \catcode`\<=\active
\begingroup \catcode`\>=\active
\begingroup \catcode`\"=\active
\let\do=\Cmakeother \Cdospecials
% the next empty line is necessary

\ifCNewLine \CNewLinefalse\par\fi}

\begingroup \obeylines%


\def\CStarComment{/* \endgroup\CStarCommentLine}

\multiply\indentCorrection by\theblankscounter%
#1\\\hspace{-1em}{\ttfont /}%
%% End of file c.sty

Brooks Moses <brooks>
Project Administrator


Attached Files
file #96:  lstlist1.pdf added by brooks (48kB - application/pdf)
file #97:  lstlist2.pdf added by brooks (47kB - application/pdf)


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    2 latest changes follow.

    Date Changed By Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced By
    Wed Apr 13 05:02:57 2011brooksAttached File-=>Added lstlist1.pdf, #96
      Attached File-=>Added lstlist2.pdf, #97
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