Wydawca (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: configuring   Up: notification   FastForward: wydawca.conf   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.15.1 modules

A loadable module is a piece of software that provides notification mechanism for wydawca. It is built as a UNIX dynamically loaded library and placed in one of the preconfigured directories which constitute a library load path. To load a module, the following statement is used:

Config: module name file

Load the module name from file. Other places of the configuration file can refer to the module as name.

The file argument is a file name of the module (normally, a ‘file.so’ or ‘file.la’ file).

Unless file in the ‘module’ statement is an absolute file name, it will be searched in the library load path, which is defined as:

  1. Optional prefix search directories specified by the ‘module-prepend-load-path’ directive (see below).
  2. Wydawca module directory: ‘$prefix/lib/wydawca’.
  3. Additional search directories specified by the module-load-path directive (see below).
  4. The value of the environment variable LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH.
  5. The system dependent library search path (e.g. on GNU/Linux it is defined by the file /etc/ld.so.conf and the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

The value of LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be a colon-separated list of absolute directory names, for example ‘/usr/lib/mypkg:/lib/foo’.

In any of these directories, wydawca first attempts to find and load the given filename. If this fails, it tries to append the following suffixes to it:

  1. the libtool archive suffix: ‘.la
  2. the suffix used for native dynamic libraries on the host platform, e.g., ‘.so’, ‘.sl’, etc.

The statements that modify the module search path are:

Config: module-load-path list

This directive adds the directories listed in its argument to the module load path. Example:

module-load-path (/usr/lib/wydawca,/usr/local/wydawca/lib);
Config: module-prepend-load-path list

Same as above, but the directories from list are added to the beginning of the module search list, rather than to its end. The order of directories in list is preserved in both cases.

Once loaded, the module can be initialized. This is done in the following block statement:

Config: module-init name { ... }

Initialize the module identified by name. The module must have been previously loaded using the ‘module’ statement, as described above. The statements between curly braces are module-specific configuration statements. See the module descriptions below for a detailed discussion of these.

To list module-specific configuration directives with a short usage instructions, use the --module-help statement:

wydawca --module-help=file

If the file argument is the base module name (e.g. ‘mod_mailutils’), it will be looked in the default library load path (see library search path). If it contains directory components, the file will be loaded from the specified directory.

Wydawca (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: configuring   Up: notification   FastForward: wydawca.conf   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index