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4.4 Rule

The rule statement configures a GNU rush rule. This is a block statement, which means that all statements located between it and the next rule statement (or end of file, whichever occurs first) modify the definition of that rule.

The syntax of the rule statement is:

Configuration: rule tag

The tag argument is optional. If it is given, it supplies a tag for the rule, i.e. a (presumably unique) identifier, which is used to label this rule. Rush uses this tag in its diagnostic messages. For rules without explicit tag, Rush supplies a default tag, which is constructed by concatenating ‘#’ character and the ordinal number of rule in the configuration file, in decimal notation. Rule numbering starts from ‘1’.

Each rule group can contain a number of statements that control what kind of requests match that rule and what actions are taken when the rule is matched. Arguments to this statements can refer to command line arguments and other parts of the request.