2. Quick Start

There are two most common scenarios for configuring Jabber Over HTTP proxy.

In the first scenario, you have a dedicated Jabber server and the port 80 (HTTP) is not used on that server. In this case you will use standalone mode. In this mode johd is configured to listen on port 80 to proxy incoming requests to your Jabber server and vice-versa.

In the second scenario, the port 80 is already in use by an HTTP server running on the same box as your Jabber server. For such cases, JOH provides a CGI mode. In this mode, you start johd to listen on an auxiliary port, and configure your HTTP server to run a CGI program, joh.cgi, which is included in the package. The system then works as follows. HTTP polling requests are received by your HTTP server, which invokes joh.cgi to handle them, In its turn, joh.cgi extracts the necessary data from each request, reformats it and sends it over to the johd daemon over the auxiliary port. When a subsequent request arrives, joh.cgi receives the reply from johd, formats it as a HTTP response and sends it back to the HTTP server, which sends it to the requesting client.

The CGI mode works only with HTTP Polling.

Of course, there may be combined cases, e.g.:

2.1 Configure johd Sockets

Johd reads its configuration from the command line. Only the traditional short options are used. The order in which you place options is important: some of them affect others that appear further in the command line.

The ‘-l’ option configures a socket to listen on (hence its mnemonics: listen). Its argument is an URL or address specification for the socket. Normally, this specification is the desired IP address and port number, separated by a colon. For example, to have johd listen on IP address, port 1111, you would write:

johd -l

If you wish it to listen on a given port on all configured network interfaces, just specify that port alone, without a specific IP address, as in:

johd -l 1111

In fact, Johd is able to work with three distinct socket families: UNIX sockets, IPv4 and IPv6 inet addresses. There are various ways to specify these. For a detailed discussion of them, see URLs.

Any number of ‘-l’ options can be given: johd will open all required sockets and will listen for connections on any of them.

The important point is the class of the socket to open. As you already know, johd works with two distinct socket classes: HTTP sockets, which are supposed to receive data formatted in accordance with the HTTP protocol, and auxiliary CGI sockets, which are designed to communicate with joh.cgi. By default, the latter is assumed(2). The class of the socket to open is changed by the ‘-c’ command line option: ‘-c HTTP’ tells johd to open all subsequent sockets for listening on HTTP requests, and ‘-c CGI’ instructs it to open them for handling internal CGI protocol data. The ‘-c’ option affects all ‘-l’ options that appear to the right of it in the command line, until another ‘-c’ option is encountered, which changes the default. To illustrate this, consider the following invocation:

johd -l \
     -c HTTP -l -l \
     -c CGI

It opens two sockets for auxiliary CGI: one at (it appeared before the first ‘-c’ option and therefore belongs to the default class, which is ‘CGI’) and the other at, which appears after an explicit ‘-c CGI’. Notice that this later has no port specification. If the port is missing. johd will select the default port for this class. The default port for ‘CGI’ is 1100(3), and the default for ‘HTTP’ is, of course, 80. Therefore, the command above will listen for HTTP requests on and

Each incoming connection is validated via TCP wrappers(4). The default daemon (or service) name for validation coincides with the name johd was invoked with (i.e. is ‘johd’, unless you renamed the program or started it via a symlink). However, the validation rules will most probably depend on the class of socket that received the connection: internal ‘CGI’ sockets in most cases should not be visible outside your host, whereas ‘HTTP’ ones should be accessible to everybody, Therefore, a special option is provided, which changes the TCP wrapper service name for subsequent sockets. This is the ‘-S’ option (mnemonics: Service name). Similarly to ‘-c’, the ‘-S’ option affects all ‘-l’ options to the right of it, until another ‘-S’ option or end of the command line is encountered, whichever occurs first.

Now, let's illustrate this by an improved version the example above:

johd -l \
     -S johd-http -c HTTP -l -l \
     -s johd-cgi -c CGI

In this configuration, the socket will be protected by the TCP service name ‘johd’, the two ‘HTTP’ sockets — by service name ‘johd-http’ and the ‘CGI’ socket — by service name ‘johd-cgi’.

Connections to remote Jabber servers are also validated using TCP wrappers. However, they use different service name. The service name for validating a requested jabber connection is created using the following pattern:


where srvname is the TCP service name, as described above, and ipaddr is the IP address of the server.

2.2 Using JOH in Standalone Mode

Configuring johd to work in standalone mode is pretty straightforward: all you have to do is give it an address (or addresses) to listen on and instruct it to open these addresses in ‘HTTP’ class. In a simplest case, the following command will do:

johd -c HTTP

It will instruct johd to listen on port 80 on all configured network interfaces. To select a particular address or addresses to listen on, use the ‘-l’ option, as described in the previous section.

It is important to configure your ‘/etc/hosts.allow’ to control accesses to the incoming HTTP port and outgoing Jabber connections. For example, the two lines below allow access to HTTP from anywhere and grant anybody the right to request any Jabber servers:

johd: ALL
johd/jabber@ALL: ALL

As a more complex example, the entries below allow access to HTTP from anywhere and limit the use of Jabber servers to and The use of is granted to anybody, and the use of is allowed only for clients coming from IP addresses in the range —

johd: ALL
johd/jabber@ ALL

2.3 Using JOH in CGI Mode

The ‘CGI’ mode is a bit more complicated, because it involves configuring two components. However, the default settings are chosen so as to simplify the configuration. First, select the socket to use for interprocess communication between johd and joh.cgi. If both processes run on the same box, then ‘localhost’ or some UNIX socket is a natural choice. Now, start the daemon:

johd -l

Make sure the socket is accessible from localhost. In particular, if your ‘/etc/hosts.deny’ contains the line ‘ALL: ALL’, place this in your ‘/etc/hosts.allow’:


Similarly, make sure outgoing connections to selected Jabber servers are allowed for localhost:


Then copy joh.cgi to your ‘cgi-bin’ directory and you're done. You might also wish to configure your HTTP server to use some good-looking alias for that. For example, in my Apache configuration I use:

Alias /http-poll  /var/www/cgi-bin/joh.cgi

If your HTTP server and johd are running on different machines, you will need to inform joh.cgi about the address johd is listening on. Suppose, for example, that johd is running on machine ‘A’ and is listening on IP address, port 1100. The HTTP server is running on the machine ‘B’, which has IP address To tell joh.cgi it must connect to ‘’, set the environment variable JOH_SERVER_URL. For example, if ‘B’ is running Apache, then in your ‘httpd.conf’ you would set:


Notice also, that you need to ensure that this socket on the box ‘A’ is accessible only to For example:

  1. In ‘/etc/hosts.deny’:
    johd: ALL
  2. In ‘/etc/hosts.allow’:

2.4 Two Ways to Start johd

One of the basic assumptions made when designing johd was that it was to be run as a transport within Jabber configuration. Therefore, after startup, johd remains in the foreground and does not disconnect from the controlling terminal. It also normally sends all its diagnostic messages to the standard error output (but see section Logging and Debugging, below.

To start jabber2 components we recommend using GNU Pies, instead of the default simple program manager shipped with Jabberd2. Pies offers considerable flexibility in handling jabber components. For a detailed description of Pies, GNU Pies Manual: (pies)Top section `Top' in GNU Pies Manual. For an example of Jabberd2 configuration with Pies, refer to http://www.gnu.org.ua/software/pies/example.php?what=jabberd2.

To configure Pies to start johd, add the following component statement to your configuration file:

component johd {
  command "johd options";
  strderr syslog err;

Replace johd with the full pathname of the johd binary, and options with the desired command line options. For example:

component johd {
  command "/usr/sbin/johd -c HTTP";
  strderr syslog err;

Another way to start johd is independently of the Jabber server. To do so, give it the ‘-D’ command line option. This option instructs johd to disconnect from the controlling terminal and run in the background as a daemon. Diagnostic messages are then sent to the syslog, using the ‘daemon’ facility (this can be changed using the ‘-F’ option; see section Logging and Debugging).

Normally, johd continues its operation with the privileges of the user who started it. If this user is root, you may wish johd to run as some other user. To do so, use the ‘-u’ option, e.g.:

johd -cHTTP -D -u nobody

The daemon switches to new user after completing operations that require root privileges, such as, e.g. creating sockets that listen on ports below 1024, etc.

When starting johd in daemon mode, it is also common to give it the ‘-p’ option. This option takes a file name as argument and causes the program to write its PID to that file after switching to the background. If this file already exists, johd will read the PID from it and will check if a process with that PID is actually running. If so, johd refuses to startup and outputs an appropriate diagnostics. Otherwise, it will overwrite the file with the new PID value.

If both ‘-u’ and ‘-p’ are used, the pidfile is opened after switching to the user provileges. In this case, you should make sure the directory component of the pidfile is writable for the user supplied with the ‘-u’ option.

Following is an example startup command:

johd -D -p /var/run/johd.pid

To automate startup and shutdown of johd in daemon mode, use the following shell script:

#! /bin/sh

case $1 in
start) /usr/bin/johd -D -p $PIDFILE;;
stop)  test -f $PIDFILE && kill -TERM `cat $PIDFILE`;;
       $0 stop
       $0 start;;
*)     echo >&2 "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"

2.5 HTTP GET Requests

Proxying of Jabber connections is requested by HTTP requests with either ‘POST’ or ‘CONNECT’ methods. Any other requests received by johd are normally dropped. However, ‘GET’ requests are handled separately. Normally, an incoming ‘GET’ request means that someone has pointed his web browser to the URL served by johd. When such a request arrives, johd replies with a 404 response code. A compiled-in error page is sent back in the response. This behavior can be customized in two ways.

First, you can supply a custom error page using the ‘-E’ command line option. The argument to this option must specify an absolute pathname to a valid HTML file. The contents of this file will be sent back in 404 responses.

Similarly to ‘-c’ and ‘-S’ options, the ‘-E’ option applies to all HTTP sockets created by subsequent ‘-l’ options which appear to the right of it, until another ‘-E’ or ‘-R’ option (see below) is encountered.

An example usage follows:

johd -c HTTP -E /etc/joh/404.html -l

Another way to handle ‘GET’ requests is to return a 303 response, redirecting the requester to another HTTP resource. This is achieved via the ‘-R’ option. Its argument is a valid URL, beginning with a ‘http://’. For example:

johd -c HTTP -R http://www.example.net/jabber

Notice, that ‘-E’ and ‘-R’ options are mutually exclusive. For example, the following invocation will reply to ‘GET’ requests arriving to ‘’ with the error page read from ‘/etc/joh/404.html’, and will redirect any ‘GET’ request arriving to ‘’ to <http://www.example.net/jabber>:

johd -c HTTP -E /etc/joh/404.html -l \
     -R http://www.example.net/jabber -l

The ‘joh.cgi’ utility provides similar features, except that it cannot send back a ‘404’ response.

If any request other than ‘POST’ arrives, ‘joh.cgi’ replies with the compiled-in error page, just as johd does. If the JOH_ERROR_PAGE environment variable is set, and its value points to a readable file, this file's contents is sent back instead.

If JOH_ERROR_REDIRECT variable is set and its value is a URL which begins with ‘http://’, joh.cgi responds with a redirection to that URL.

2.6 Logging and Debugging

Normally, johd prints any errors, warnings and other diagnostic messages on standard error. You can, however, change this default and direct all diagnostic messages to syslog. To do so, specify the desired syslog facility with the ‘-F’ command line option. For example:

johd -F daemon

Allowed facility names for use with this option are: ‘user’, ‘daemon’, ‘auth’, ‘authpriv’, ‘mail’, ‘cron’, ‘local0’ through ‘local7’. All names are case-insensitive.

Notice, that when given the ‘-D’ option (see daemon), johd automatically assumes ‘-F daemon’, so you need not use the ‘-F’ option, unless, of course, you want to change the default facility.

Messages sent to syslog are prefixed by the program name. To change this prefix use the ‘-L’ option. Its argument will be used as a log tag to prefix each message with.

Each diagnostic message has a severity level associated with it. Severity levels are (in order of increasing severity): ‘debug’, ‘warning’, ‘info’, ‘error’, and ‘crit’. The latter is assigned to conditions which cause immediate termination of the program.

Normally, severity levels are not printed. To instruct johd to precede each message with its severity level, use the ‘-P’ option.

Debugging diagnostics is useful when you trace some difficult configuration problem or investigate a bug in johd itself. This diagnostics is printed only when the ‘-d’ option is given. The argument to the ‘-d’ option is the debugging level, an integer number ranging from 0 to 100. Level 0 effectively disables all debugging and is equivalent to not specifying ‘-d’ option at all. Subsequent levels produce increasing amount of debugging information. Finally, the level 100 prints dumps of network packets received and sent by johd.

Notice, that the use of the ‘-d’ option with levels greater than 10 requires a good knowledge about johd internals and slows down its operation, so use it sparingly, if at all.

When debugging johd it may be helpful to know where precisely in the source code each debugging message was generated. This information can be obtained using the ‘-i’ (source-info) option. When it is given, each debug message is additionally prefixed with the name of the source file and line number in it.



The decision which class to take as the default is somehow arbitrary, we might as well have chosen HTTP, but historically it happened to be CGI.


Again, the choice was somewhat arbitrary, but we know of no other service using this number.


See hosts_access(5), for detailed description of TCP wrapper access control files.

Note also, that this feature can be disabled at compile time, by the ‘--without-tcp-wrappers’ option to configure, although this is highly unrecommended.