GNU Dico Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Dicod   Up: Configuration   FastForward: Modules   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.3.14 Tuning

While tuning your server, it is often necessary to get timing information which shows how much time is spent serving certain requests. This can be achieved using the timing configuration directive:

Configuration: timing boolean

Provide timing information after successful completion of an operation. This information is displayed after the following requests: MATCH, DEFINE, and QUIT. It consists of the following parts:

[d/m/c = nd/nm/nc RTr UTu STs]



Number of processed define requests. It is ‘0’ after a MATCH request.


Number of processed match requests. It is ‘0’ after a DEFINE request.


Number of comparisons made. This value may be inaccurate if the underlying database module is not able to count comparisons.


Real time spent serving the request.


Time in user space spent serving the request.


Time in kernel space spent serving the request.

An example of a server reply with timing information follows:

250 Done [d/m/c = 0/63/107265 2.293r 1.120u 0.010s]

You can also add timing information to your access log files, see %T.

GNU Dico Manual (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Dicod   Up: Configuration   FastForward: Modules   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index