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Search results for * (in Project/Group):

Project Description Type
acmemanManages ACME certificates Software
acvmodAutoconf macros for use in writing Varnish modules (vmods).Software
addtsAdd timestamps at the beginning of each input lineSoftware
AlckAlck checks one or several sendmail-style alias files for consistency. Software
Apache::Config::PreprocPreprocess Apache configuration fileSoftware
Apache::DefaultsObtain default settings of the Apache httpd daemonSoftware
apoutApout is a simulator of a PDP-11 machine, written by Warren Toomey. This is a modified version, containing several enhancements that allow to run a.out binaries from the earliest UNIX distributions.Software
aspell-gcideAspell filter for GCIDE dictionary filesSoftware
assignmentsOID assignments in PEN node
BEAMBackup Easy And Manageable -- a suite of backup programs Software
Blogger SansSoftware
blogRight!A small blogging engine.Software
certmonNagios plugin for monitoring expiration times of remote SSL certificatesSoftware
cfpeekA parser and look-up utility for structured configuration files.Software
charterDocumentation for Puszcza users and administratorsAdministration
Cheetah NewsA personal web-based news aggregator (a feed reader).Software
config-proxyConfiguration parser for Pound and HAProxySoftware
Config::ASTAbstract syntax tree for configuration filesSoftware
Config::HAProxyPerl class for parsing the HAProxy configuration fileSoftware
Config::ParserPerl framework for writing configuration file parsersSoftware
Config::Parser::ldapA Perl parser for ldap.conf and similar files.Software
Config::PoundConfiguration parser for Pound proxySoftware

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