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Project | Description | Type |
acmeman | Manages ACME certificates | Software |
acvmod | Autoconf macros for use in writing Varnish modules (vmods). | Software |
addts | Add timestamps at the beginning of each input line | Software |
Alck | Alck checks one or several sendmail-style alias files for consistency. | Software |
Apache::Config::Preproc | Preprocess Apache configuration file | Software |
Apache::Defaults | Obtain default settings of the Apache httpd daemon | Software |
apout | Apout is a simulator of a PDP-11 machine, written by Warren Toomey. This is a modified version, containing several enhancements that allow to run a.out binaries from the earliest UNIX distributions. | Software |
ARJ+xenu | Software | |
aspell-gcide | Aspell filter for GCIDE dictionary files | Software |
assignments | OID assignments in PEN node | Software |
BEAM | Backup Easy And Manageable -- a suite of backup programs | Software |
Blogger Sans | Software | |
blogRight! | A small blogging engine. | Software |
CamelWiki | Software | |
certmon | Nagios plugin for monitoring expiration times of remote SSL certificates | Software |
cfpeek | A parser and look-up utility for structured configuration files. | Software |
charter | Documentation for Puszcza users and administrators | Administration |
Cheetah News | A personal web-based news aggregator (a feed reader). | Software |
config-proxy | Configuration parser for Pound and HAProxy | Software |
Config::AST | Abstract syntax tree for configuration files | Software |
Config::HAProxy | Perl class for parsing the HAProxy configuration file | Software |
Config::Parser | Perl framework for writing configuration file parsers | Software |
Config::Parser::ldap | A Perl parser for ldap.conf and similar files. | Software |
Config::Pound | Configuration parser for Pound proxy | Software |
cum | Software |
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