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Membership Info
Project Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: #269
System Name: genrc
Name: genrc
Group Type: Software

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Free Software

Generic helper program for writing system initialization scripts. Depending on the operation mode, it starts, stops, reconfigures or displays the status of a specific program.

Primary audience is Slackware system administrators. However, the tool is generic enough to be used on any other Linux (and not only) distribution.

In the contrast to another similar programs like start-stop-daemon, it is designed so that the entire rc file can consist of only one line, invoking (or exec'ing) genrc with the right set of arguments.

Registration Date: Mon May 14 19:06:45 2018
License: GNU General Public License V3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


Latest News 
genrc version 1.5.3
     posted by gray, Tue Jul 16 13:49:21 2024 - 0 replies

This version implements new command verb: wait. It instructs genrc to wait for the service to finish and implies that its termination was initiated by some third-party means. The command exits with code 0 if the service has finished and with code 1 if stop timeout has been reached.

genrc version 1.5.2
     posted by gray, Tue Jul 16 05:15:43 2024 - 0 replies

Genrc version 1.5.2 is released. New in this version:

New option: -q, --quiet

This is a counterpart of --verbose: it suppresses all diagnostic messages, except errors. It is especially useful with the status command verb, when only the exit status of the command is of interest.

Fix timestamps produced with --log-file

genrc version 1.4
     posted by gray, Wed Jul 3 11:54:04 2024 - 0 replies

Genrc version 1.4 is available for download. New in this version:

  • New option -k (--kill-mode)
  • Enforcing limits
  • Logging program output to file

See the NEWS file for details.

Version 1.2
     posted by gray, Wed Sep 9 15:14:12 2020 - 0 replies

Version 1.2 is available for download. New features:

  • Verbose diagnostics
  • Shell selection
  • Syslog configuration
  • Runtime resourse limits

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