gamma - Summary
Free Software
GAMMA stands for a Guile Archive of Multiple Modules with 'A' just for the 'A' of it.
It contains a set of useful Guile modules. Currently the package is used by and
Registration Date: Sun Apr 24 15:50:10 2005
License: GNU General Public License V2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by gray, Wed Mar 24 08:54:46 2010 - 0 replies
Gamma 2.0 is available for download:
This release represents a major step in Gamma development. First of all, it introduces a new build system, which makes adding new Guile modules an easy task. From the end-user standpoint, the following new features are worth noticing:
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posted by gray, Sat Mar 6 15:09:40 2010 - 0 replies
Gamma development has moved to Git. Please, read this document, for additional pointers on how to clone or browse Gamma repository.
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