main।। आलोक ।। - Summary

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Project Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: #339
System Name: aalok-mr
Name: ।। आलोक ।।
Group Type: Software

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Free Software

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Registration Date: Sun Feb 13 07:28:17 2022
License: - The project uses a Marathi license; the Aalok copyleftlicense. The same license is also used by a project already hosted on Puszcza named 'aalok'. That project hosts the source code for the LaTeX class file `aalok.cls' which is developed for typesetting this journal, but as per the requirements of TeX Live there has to be some free softwarelicense in English and hence that project is dual licensed.This project doesn't need to be in TeX Live and hence it didn't use any English license. The entire point of having the 'Aalok' license was to distribute the source code under a license which is written in Marathi. As I have said earlier the project has two political positions, one regarding the software and the other regarding the language. Hence this project isn't licensed with any English license.
Development Status: 0 - Undefined


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