newsgamma - News: Version 2.0 available for download

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Version 2.0 available for download posted by gray, Wed Mar 24 08:54:46 2010 - 0 replies
Development moved to Git. posted by gray, Sat Mar 6 15:09:40 2010 - 0 replies
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Version 2.0 available for download

Item posted by Sergey Poznyakoff <gray> on Wed Mar 24 08:54:46 2010.

Gamma 2.0 is available for download:

This release represents a major step in Gamma development. First of all, it introduces a new build system, which makes adding new Guile modules an easy task. From the end-user standpoint, the following new features are worth noticing:

syslog module

This module allows to send messages to syslog either using familiar functions:

(openlog "ftp" LOG_PID LOG_DAEMON)
(syslog LOG_WARNING "It is a warning")

Furthermore, it allows to create a special port, such that any data written to it end up in syslog. This way, you may connect your standard error to syslog and use traditional Guile functions for diagnostic purposes:

(set-current-error-port (open-syslog-port LOG_ERR))
(display "Error message" (current-error-port))

Expat: writing XML Parsers

The expat module is an interface to the libexpat library. Using it you can easily write parsers for arbitrary XML documents. In particular, this module was used for creating


See, for a detailed information about the project, including links to downloads and documentation.


No messages in Version 2.0 available for download


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