bugGrecs - Bugs: bug #498, Translation for strings that maybe...

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bug #498: Translation for strings that maybe should not be translated

Submitted by:  Josef Andersson <morpa>
Submitted on:  Mon Jan 4 22:11:44 2021  
Category: NonePriority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 5 - NormalStatus: Ready For Test
Privacy: PublicAssigned to: Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Open/Closed: Open

(-) Discussion

Fri Jan 8 10:31:44 2021, comment #1:

Hi Josef,

Thanks for noticing. In fact, these strings must be translatable, because they form a part of help text produced by the --config-help option. However, while revising the code, I discovered that the "list of <datatype>" message was not localized. To fix this I installed the following patch: http://git.gnu.org.ua/cgit/grecs.git/commit/?id=bb43a020e41a335d3b6b52948f56c397f9ab813f. I'm going to update the submodule in dico accordingly.

Thanks for your help and for your effort in translating dico!

Sergey Poznyakoff <gray>
Project AdministratorIn charge of this item.
Mon Jan 4 22:11:44 2021, original submission:

While translating DICO /which has submodule grecs included/ for the Translation Project I noticed a few strings that are translateble but I think should not be after looking in the source
It is the strings for different datatypes at

i.e "string", "time" etc. Or if i am wrong, just close this, thanks.

Josef Andersson <morpa>


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