Repository backups

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Revision as of 08:08, 9 March 2014 by Gray (Talk | contribs)

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All repositories hosted on Puszcza are backed up on daily basis at 03:06 UTC. Backups are available for download via:

The backup method and naming scheme depends on the type of the repository. In the discussion below, project stands for the system name of the project.


Git Repositories

Each Git repository is archived to


where commit is the latest commit ID (abbreviated to the first 8 digits). The file project.latest.tar.gz is a symbolic link to that file.

SVN Repositories

For each SVN repository, the following files are available (rev stands for the latest revision number):

  • project.rev.dump.gz: A gzipped dump of the repository.
  • project.dump.gz: A symbolic link to the above.
  • project-snapshot.tar.gz: A snapshot, obtained by running svn export project/trunk and archiving it with tar -z.

CVS Repositories

An exact copy of each CVS repository is provided in file project.tar.gz.

Mercurial Repositories

For each Mercurial repository, the following files are available (rev stands for the latest revision number):

  • project.rev.tar.gz: A gzipped tarball of the repository.
  • project-snapshot.tar.gz: A snapshot, obtained by running hg archive --rev rev --type tgz.
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