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Each notification message is built from a message template, by expanding variables (see variable expansion) within it. The message text may be specified either in place within the configuration directive it belongs to (see notification), or defined by define-message statement.

mod_mailutils: define-message name text

Define message name to be text. This message can be referred to from other configuration statements by @name notation.

The message text must be formatted as a valid RFC-822 message, i.e. it must consist of two parts, message headers and body, separated by a single empty line. Therefore text is usually a here-document construct (see here-document). For example:

define-message my-message <<EOT
From: Wydawca
Subject: test

This is a test message.

If you do not wish to supply any headers (which is unlikely, because a mail should at least have a Subject header), simply begin the message text with an empty line, like this:

define-message my-message <<EOT

This is a test message.