GNU Rush – a restricted user shell (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Configuration File   Up: Rule   FastForward: Default Configuration   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index

4.2.1 Conditions

These statements define conditions that are evaluated when matching the rule against the request. A rule may contain any number of conditions. All conditions are tested in order of their appearance in the rule and are tied together using boolean shortcut ‘and’ evaluation: if any of them yields false, the rest is not evaluated and control is transferred to the subsequent rule.

Rule Config: command regex

True, if the current command line matches regular expression regex.

For example:

command ^scp (-v )?-t /incoming/(alpha|ftp)

By default, POSIX extended regular expressions are used. This, however can be changed using regex statement (see Regex).

Rule Config: match[n] regexp

True, if nth word from the command line matches regular expression regexp. Notice, that square brackets form part of the statement syntax. The index n is normally a decimal number indicating position of the word in the command line (first word being at index 0). It can be negative, which means that the position is counted from the last word. Several special notations are also allowed, e.g. ‘$’ denotes the last word. For a detailed discussion of word-splitting alorithm and allowed notations of n, indexing.

Second argument regexp is a regular expression to match the word against. Unless changed by previous regex statement (see Regex), POSIX extended regular expression is assumed.

For example, the condition below yields true if the last argument is an absolute path name:

match[$] ^/.*
Rule Config: argc op num

Compare the number of command line arguments to num. The comparison operator is given by op, which can be one of the following: ‘=’ (or ‘==’), ‘!=’, ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’.

For example, the following condition matches if the number of arguments is less than 3:

argc < 3
Rule Config: uid [op] user-id

Compare current UID to user-id. The latter may be either a numeric UID or a name of an existing user.

The comparison operator is given by optional op, which can be one of the following: ‘=’ (‘==’), ‘!=’, ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’. If op is not given, equality (‘==’) is assumed.


uid smith
Rule Config: gid op group-id

Compare current GID to group-id, which is either a numeric value or a name of an existing group.

The comparison operator is given by op, which can be one of the following: ‘=’ (‘==’), ‘!=’, ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’. If op is not given, equality (‘==’) is assumed.

Rule Config: user names

Argument is a whitespace-separated list of user names. This condition yields true, if the user name is listed in names. String comparisons are case-sensitive.

Rule Config: group names

Argument is a whitespace-separated list of group names. This condition yields true, if the the name of any group the user is a member of is listed in names. String comparisons are case-sensitive.

For example, to match users from groups ‘admin’ and ‘root’:

group admin root

Each condition can be negated by placing exclamation sign between the condition keyword and expression. For example:

command ^scp

True, if the command line begins with ‘scp’.

command ! ^scp

True if the command line does not begin with ‘scp’.

GNU Rush – a restricted user shell (split by node):   Section:   Chapter:FastBack: Configuration File   Up: Rule   FastForward: Default Configuration   Contents: Table of ContentsIndex: Concept Index