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2.2 Configuration File

A configuration file can be used to set some variables. Renrot looks for its configuration file, named ‘renrot.conf’, in system configuration directories /etc/renrot and </usr/local/etc/renrot>, and in subdirectory .renrot. of the current user home directory. An alternate configuration file can also be explicitly given using the ‘--config-file option’.

The configuration file consists of a set of case-insensive keywords and their values separated by equal sign. Each such keyword/value pair occupies a separate line. Boolean variables can have one of the following values: ‘0’, ‘No’, ‘False’, ‘Off’ for ‘false’, and ‘1’, ‘Yes’, ‘True’, ‘On’ for ‘true’.

The variables defined for use in configuration file are:

use IPC

Use IPC for execution external command

use color

Use colorized output (not works under MS Windows) Default color setup for different facilities:

color = debug: 'green'
color = error: 'magenta'
color = fatal: 'red'
color = info: 'bold'
color = process: 'white'
color = warning: 'cyan'

Set to ‘Yes’ for synchronize mtime with tags, otherwise set it to ‘No’.

name template

File name template (see ‘--name-template’, for the description).


Set to ‘Yes’ to trim rotated images when using jpegtran(1).

aggregation mode

Aggregation mode, possible values are: none, delta or template.

aggregation template

Aggregation template, which defines the file aggregation (see ‘--aggr-template’, for the description).

aggregation virtual

Defines virtualization for the existing aggregation modes (see the ‘--aggr-virtual’ option).

aggregation virtual directory

Defines a directory for virtual aggregation (see ‘--aggr-virtual-directory’ option).


Refer to the section "TAGS", for the detailed description


Include the named file.

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This document was generated by Zeus V Panchenko on October, 30 2009 using texi2html 1.78.