GNU Pies Manual 1 Introduction 2 Inter-Component Dependencies 3 Pies Configuration File 4 Pies Debugging 5 Communicating with Running 'pies' Instances 6 Init - parent of all processes 7 Using Pies as Entrypoint for Docker Container 8 Configuration Examples 9 Command Line Usage 10 Pies Invocation 11 How to Report a Bug Appendix A 'Inetd.conf' Format Appendix B User-Group ACLs Appendix C Control API Appendix D GNU Free Documentation License Concept Index GNU Pies Manual 1 Introduction 2 Inter-Component Dependencies 3 Pies Configuration File 3.1 Configuration File Syntax 3.1.1 Comments 3.1.2 Statements 3.2 Preprocessor 3.2.1 Using M4 3.2.2 Using Custom Preprocessor 3.3 The 'component' Statement 3.3.1 Component Prerequisites 3.3.2 Component Privileges 3.3.3 Resources 3.3.4 Environment 'env': legacy syntax. 3.3.5 Early Environment Expansion 3.3.6 Actions Before Startup 3.3.7 Exit Actions 3.3.8 Output Redirectors 3.3.9 Inetd-Style Components Built-in Inetd Services TCPMUX Services Socket Environment Variables Exit Actions in Inetd Components 3.3.10 Meta1-Style Components 3.3.11 Component Visibility ACLs 3.3.12 Component Syntax Summary 3.4 Notification 3.5 Access Control Lists 3.6 The Control Statement 3.7 User Identities for Accessing Control Interface 3.8 Using 'inetd' Configuration Files 3.9 Using MeTA1 Configuration File 3.10 Global Configuration 3.11 Pies Privileges 3.12 State Files 4 Pies Debugging 5 Communicating with Running 'pies' Instances 5.1 piesctl id - Return Info About the Running Instance 5.2 Instance Management 5.3 piesctl config - Configuration Management 5.4 Component Management 5.5 Init Process Management 5.6 'Piesctl' Command Line Options 5.7 Configuration for 'piesctl' 6 Init - parent of all processes 6.1 Runlevels 6.2 Init Process Configuration 6.3 Init Command Line 6.4 Init Environment 6.5 piesctl telinit 6.6 The Telinit Command 7 Using Pies as Entrypoint for Docker Container 7.1 Expanding Environment Variables in GNU m4 7.2 Using xenv 8 Configuration Examples 8.1 Simplest Case: Using Pies to Run Pmult 8.2 Using Pies to Run Pmult and MeTA1 8.3 Running Pies as Inetd 9 Command Line Usage 10 Pies Invocation 11 How to Report a Bug Appendix A 'Inetd.conf' Format Appendix B User-Group ACLs Appendix C Control API C.1 /instance C.2 /conf C.2.1 /conf/files C.2.2 /conf/runime C.3 /programs C.4 /alive C.5 /runlevel C.6 /environ Appendix D GNU Free Documentation License Concept Index GNU Pies Manual *************** This edition of the 'GNU Pies Manual', last updated 13 August 2022, documents 'pies' Version 1.8. 1 Introduction ************** The name 'pies' (pronounced 'p-yes') stands for 'Program Invocation and Execution Supervisor'. This utility starts and controls execution of external programs. In this document these programs will be referred to as "components". Each component is a stand-alone program, which is executed in the foreground. Upon startup, 'pies' reads the list of components from its configuration file, starts them, and remains in the background, controlling their execution. Each component is defined by the name of the external program to be run and its arguments (command line). The program is normally run directly (via 'exec'), but you can instruct 'pies' to run it via 'sh -c' as well. The standard output and standard error streams of a component can be redirected to a file or to an arbitrary 'syslog' channel. The way of handling each component, and in particular the action to be taken upon its termination is determined by the component's "mode". A "respawn" component is restarted each time it terminates. If it terminates too often, 'pies' puts it to sleep for certain time and logs that fact. This prevents badly configured components from taking too much resources and allows administrator to take measures in order to fix the situation. More specific action can be configured, depending on the exit code of the component. An "inetd"-style components is not started. Instead, 'pies' opens a socket associated with it and listens for connections on that socket. When a connection arrives, 'pies' runs this component to handle it. The connection is bound to the component's 'stdin' and 'stdout' streams. The 'stderr' stream can be redirected to a file or to syslog, as described above. This mode of operation is similar to that of the 'inetd' utility. Yet another type of components supported by 'pies' are "pass-style" or "meta1-style" components. As the name suggests, this type is designed expressly as a support for MeTA1(1) components, namely 'smtps'. This type can be regarded as a mixture of the above two. For each meta1-style component 'pies' opens a socket and starts the component executable program. Once the program is running, 'pies' passes it the file descriptor of that socket, through another preconfigured UNIX-style socket. Further handling of the socket is the responsibility of the program itself. An "accept" component is basically handled as 'inetd', except that after binding to the socket 'pies' immediately starts the program, without waiting for actual connections. Finally, two special component modes are available. "Startup" components are run right after 'pies' startup, prior to running any other components. Their counterpart, "shutdown" components are run before program termination, after all other components have finished. Any number of components of all types can be handled simultaneously. Components are started in the order of their appearance in the configuration file and terminated in reverse order. This order can be modified by declaring component "prerequisites" or "dependents". This is described in the following chapter. As an exception, this order is reversed for the components read from MeTA1 configuration files, either included by 'include-meta1' statement (*note include-meta1::) or expressly supplied in the command line (*note config syntax::). ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) See 2 Inter-Component Dependencies ****************************** A component 'A' may depend on another components, say 'B' and 'C', i.e. require them to be running at the moment of its startup. Components 'B' and 'C' are called "prerequisites" for 'A', while 'A' is called a "dependency" or "dependent" component of 'B', 'C'. Before restarting any component, 'pies' verifies if it is a prerequisite for any other components. If so, it first terminates its dependencies, restarts the component, and then starts its dependencies again, in the order of their appearance in the configuration file. 3 Pies Configuration File ************************* 'Pies' reads its settings and component definitions from one or more "configuration files". The default configuration file is named 'pies.conf' and is located in the "system configuration directory" (in most cases '/etc' or '/usr/local/etc', depending on how the package was compiled). This file uses the "native Pies configuration syntax". Apart from this format, the program also understands configuration files in "inetd" and "meta1" formats. Alternative configuration files may be specified using '--config-file' ('-c' command line option), e.g.: pies --config-file FILENAME Any number of such options may be given. The files named in '--config-file' options are processed in order of their appearance in the command line. By default, 'pies' expects configuration files in its native format. This, however, can be changed by using the '--syntax=FORMAT' command line option. This option instructs 'pies' that any configuration files given after it have are written in the specified FORMAT. Valid formats are: 'pies' 'Pies' native configuration file format. 'inetd' 'Inetd'-style configuration format. 'meta1' MeTA1-style format. 'inittab' Format of the '/etc/inittab' file (*note Init Process::). The configuration file format set by the '--syntax' option remains in effect for all '--config-file' options that follow it, up to the end of the command line or the next occurrence of the '--syntax' option. This means that you can instruct 'pies' to read several configuration files of various formats in a single command line, e.g.: pies --config-file /etc/pies.conf \ --syntax=inetd --config-file /etc/inetd.conf \ --syntax=meta1 --config-file /etc/meta1/meta1.conf The rest of this chapter concerns the 'pies' native configuration file format. You can receive a concise summary of all configuration directives any time by running 'pies --config-help'. The use of inetd configuration files is covered in *note inetd:: and the use of meta1 configuration files is described in *note include-meta1:: If any errors are encountered in the configuration file, the program reports them on the standard error and exits with status 78. To test the configuration file without actually starting the server, the '--lint' ('-t') command line option is provided. It causes 'pies' to check its configuration file and exit with status 0 if no errors were detected, and with status 78 otherwise. Before parsing, configuration file is preprocessed using 'm4' (*note Preprocessor::). To see the preprocessed configuration without actually parsing it, use '-E' command line option. 3.1 Configuration File Syntax ============================= The configuration file consists of statements and comments. There are three classes of lexical tokens: keywords, values, and separators. Blanks, tabs, newlines and comments, collectively called "white space" are ignored except as they serve to separate tokens. Some white space is required to separate otherwise adjacent keywords and values. 3.1.1 Comments -------------- "Comments" may appear anywhere where white space may appear in the configuration file. There are two kinds of comments: single-line and multi-line comments. "Single-line" comments start with '#' or '//' and continue to the end of the line: # This is a comment // This too is a comment The following constructs, appearing at the start of a line are treated specially: '#include', '#include_once', '#line', '# NUM' (where NUM is a decimal number). These are described in detail in *note Preprocessor::. "Multi-line" or "C-style" comments start with the two characters '/*' (slash, star) and continue until the first occurrence of '*/' (star, slash). Multi-line comments cannot be nested. 3.1.2 Statements ---------------- A "simple statement" consists of a keyword and value separated by any amount of whitespace. The statement is terminated with a semicolon (';'). Examples of simple statements are: pidfile /var/run/; source-info yes; debug 10; A "keyword" begins with a letter and may contain letters, decimal digits, underscores ('_') and dashes ('-'). Examples of keywords are: 'group', 'control-file'. A "value" can be one of the following: number A number is a sequence of decimal digits. boolean A boolean value is one of the following: 'yes', 'true', 't' or '1', meaning "true", and 'no', 'false', 'nil', '0' meaning "false". unquoted string An unquoted string may contain letters, digits, and any of the following characters: '_', '-', '.', '/', ':'. quoted string A quoted string is any sequence of characters enclosed in double-quotes ('"'). A backslash appearing within a quoted string introduces an "escape sequence", which is replaced with a single character according to the following rules: Sequence Replaced with ------------------------------------------------------------ \a Audible bell character (ASCII 7) \b Backspace character (ASCII 8) \f Form-feed character (ASCII 12) \n Newline character (ASCII 10) \r Carriage return character (ASCII 13) \t Horizontal tabulation character (ASCII 9) \v Vertical tabulation character (ASCII 11) \\ A single backslash ('\') \" A double-quote. Table 3.1: Backslash escapes In addition, any occurrence of '\' immediately followed by a newline character (ASCII 10) is removed from the string. This allows to split long strings over several physical lines, e.g.: "a long string may be\ split over several lines" If the character following a backslash is not one of those specified above, the backslash is ignored and a warning is issued. Here-document "Here-document" is a special construct that allows to introduce strings of text containing embedded newlines. The '< X-Agent: ${canonical_program_name} (${package} ${version}) Subject: Component ${component} ${termination} ${retcode}. Notification messages are sent using an external program, called "mailer". By default it is '/usr/sbin/sendmail'. You can change it using the following configuration statement: -- Config: mailer-program PROG Use PROG as a mailer program. The mailer must meet the following requirements: 1. It must read the message from its standard input. 2. It must treat the non-optional arguments in its command line as recipient addresses. For example, the following statement instructs 'pies' to use 'exim' as a mailer: mailer-program /usr/sbin/exim; By default, the mailer program is invoked as follows: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t RCPTS where RCPTS is a whitespace-separated list of addresses supplied in the 'notify' statement. The mailer command may be altered using 'mailer-command-line' statement: -- Config: mailer-command-line STRING Set mailer command line. Notice, that STRING must include the command name as well. The 'mailer-program' statement supplies the full name of the binary which will be executed, while the first word from the 'mailer-command-line' argument gives the string it receives as 'argv[0]'. The example below shows how to use this statement to alter the envelope sender address: mailer-command-line "sendmail -f -oi -t"; 3.5 Access Control Lists ======================== "Access control lists", or ACLs for short, are lists of permissions that control access to 'inetd', 'accept' and 'meta1'-style components. An ACL is defined using 'acl' block statement: -- Config: acl acl { DEFINITIONS } This statement is allowed both in global context and within a 'component' block. If both are present, the global-level ACL is consulted first, and if it allows access, the component ACL is consulted. As a result, access is granted only if both lists allow it. A "named ACL" is an access control list which is assigned its own name. Named ACLs are defined using the 'defacl' statement: -- Config: defacl NAME defacl NAME { DEFINITIONS } The NAME parameter specifies a unique name for that ACL. Named ACLs are applied only if referenced from another ACL (either global or a per-component one, or any named ACL, referenced from these). *Note ACL references: acl-ref, below. In both forms, the part between the curly braces (denoted by DEFINITIONS), is a list of "access control statements". There are two types of such statements: -- Config: acl: allow [USER-GROUP] SUB-ACL HOST-LIST -- Config: acl: allow any Allow access to the component. -- Config: acl: deny [USER-GROUP] SUB-ACL HOST-LIST -- Config: acl: deny any Deny access to the component. All parts of an access statement are optional, but at least one of them must be present. The USER-GROUP part is reserved for future use and is described in more detail in *note User-Group ACLs::. The SUB-ACL part, if present, allows to branch to another ACL. The syntax of this part is: acl NAME where NAME is the name of an ACL defined previously in 'defacl' statement. The HOST-LIST group allows to match client addresses. It consists of the 'from' keyword followed by a list of "address specifiers". Allowed address specifiers are: ADDR Matches if the client IP equals ADDR. The latter may be given either as an IP address or as a host name, in which case it will be resolved and the first of its IP addresses will be used. ADDR/NETLEN Matches if first NETLEN bits from the client IP address equal to ADDR. The network mask length, NETLEN, must be an integer number in the range from 0 to 32. The address part, ADDR, is as described above. ADDR/NETMASK The specifier matches if the result of logical AND between the client IP address and NETMASK equals to ADDR. The network mask must be specified in "dotted quad" form, e.g. ''. FILENAME Matches if connection was received from a UNIX socket FILENAME, which must be given as an absolute file name. The special form 'allow any' means to allow access unconditionally. Similarly, 'deny any', denies access unconditionally. Normally, one of these forms appears as the last statement in an ACL definition. To summarize, the syntax of an access statement is: allow|deny [acl NAME] [from ADDR-LIST] where square brackets denote optional parts. When an ACL is checked, its entries are tried in turn until one of them matches, or the end of the list is reached. If a matched entry is found, its command verb, 'allow' or 'deny', defines the result of the ACL check. If the end of the list is reached, the result is 'allow', unless explicitly specified otherwise (using the *note "any" form: acl-any.) For example, the following ACL allows access for anybody coming from networks '' and '', or any connection that matches the named ACL 'my-nets' (which is defined elsewhere in the configuration file). Access is denied for anybody else: acl { allow from (,; allow acl "my-nets"; deny all; } 3.6 The Control Statement ========================= The "control interface" provides a method for communication with the running 'pies' instance. It is used by the 'piesctl' utility to query information about the instance and components it is currently running and to send it commands for controlling its operation (*note piesctl::). By default the UNIX socket '/tmp/pies.ctl' is used for this purpose. If 'pies' was started with the '--instance=NAME' option, the socket is named '/tmp/NAME.ctl'. Whatever its name, the socket will be owned by the user 'pies' runs as (*note Pies Privileges::) and will have access rights of 0500, allowing only that user to read and write to it. When 'pies' is used as init process, the default socket name is '/dev/init.ctl'. -- Config: control The 'control' statement configures the control interface and limits access to it: control { socket URL; acl { ... } admin-acl { ... } user-acl { ... } realm NAME; } -- Config: control: socket URL URL of the control socket. The URL argument is a string of the following syntax: inet://IP:PORT Listen on IPv4 address IP (may be given as a symbolic host name), on port PORT. local://FILE[;ARGS] file://FILE[;ARGS] unix://FILE[;ARGS] Listen on the UNIX socket file FILE, which is either an absolute or relative file name. Optional arguments ARGS control ownership and file mode of FILE. They are a semicolon-separated list of assignments to the following variables: 'user' User name of the socket owner. 'group' Owner group of the socket, if it differs from the 'user' group. 'mode' Socket file mode (octal number between '0' and '777'). 'umask' Umask to use when creating the socket (octal number between '0' and '777'). -- Config: control: idle-timeout N Disconnect any control session that remains inactive for N seconds. This statement is reserved for use in the future. Currently (as of version 1.8) it is a no-op. The control interface is protected by three access control lists (*Note ACL::, for a discussion of their syntax). -- Config: control: acl NAME -- Config: control: acl { ... } Controls who can connect to the interface. The first form refers to a named ACL that must have been defined earlier by 'defacl' statement (*note defacl::). Use the second form to define a new ACL in place. -- Config: control: user-acl NAME -- Config: control: user-acl { ... } Control interface provides two kinds of operations: "read-only" (such as getting information about running components) and "write" operations (such as stopping or restarting components). The 'user-acl' controls read access. Access to particular components can also be controlled individually, using the per-component 'list-acl' statement (*note list-acl: Visibility.). -- Config: control: admin-acl NAME -- Config: control: admin-acl { ... } Controls write access to the 'pies' instance itself and to the components for which no specific 'admin-acl' statements are supplied (*note admin-acl: Visibility.). In particular, whoever passes 'admin-acl' can issue commands for stopping the instance and reloading its configuration. When checking whether the user has a particular kind of access to a component, first the corresponding ACL from the 'control' section is checked. If it allows access, then the per-component ACL is tried. If it allows access too, then the operation is permitted. -- Config: control: realm NAME Defines the realm for basic authentication. Default value is 'pies'. 3.7 User Identities for Accessing Control Interface =================================================== Privileges for using and performing various commands over the control interface can be distributed among several users. For example, it is possible to grant some users the rights to only view the component listing, or even to further limit their rights to only see the components they are authorized to know about. Another user may be able to stop or restart components and so on. This privilege separation requires 'pies' to have a notion of user and be able to authenticate it. "Identity provider" is an abstract mechanism that 'pies' uses to obtain information about the user trying to authenticate himself for accessing a particular control function. As of version 1.8, this mechanism is considered experimental. That means, that although being fully functional, it can change considerably in future releases. Identity provider supports two operations: authenticating a user, and checking if he is a member of particular "group". It is defined in the configuration file using the 'identity provider' statement. -- Config: identity-provider NAME Defines an identity provider. It is a block statement: identity-provider NAME { type TYPE; ... } The provider NAME is used in diagnostic messages. The only required substatement is 'type', which defines the type of the provider. Rest of statements (represented by ... above) depends on the type. Pies version 1.8 supports identity providers of two types: 'system' and 'pam'. The 'system' identity provider uses system user database for authentication and system group database for checking group membership. It is declared using the following statement: identity-provider NAME { type system; } Obviously, to use the system identity provider for authentication, 'pies' must be run as root. The 'pam' identity provider uses the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) for authentication, and system group database for checking group membership. identity-provider NAME { type pam; service SRV; } The 'service' statement defines the name of PAM service to use for authentication. If absent, the name 'pies' is used. Any number of different identity providers can be declared in the configuration file. When authenticating the user, they will be tried in turn until the one is found where authentication succeeds. Subsequent group membership checks will then use this identity provider. 3.8 Using 'inetd' Configuration Files ===================================== In addition to its native configuration file format, GNU 'pies' is able to read configuration files of several other widely-used utilities. One of these is 'inetd'. The simplest way to use such configuration files is by including them to your main 'pies.conf' using the "include-inetd" statement: -- Config: include-inetd FILE Read components from 'inetd'-style configuration file FILE. The argument may also be a directory, in which case all regular files from that directory are read and parsed as 'inetd'-style configuration files. The components read from FILE are appended to the 'pies' list of components in order of their appearance. For example, the following statement reads components from the standard 'inetd' configuration file: include-inetd /etc/inetd.conf; Any number of 'include-inetd' may be specified. For example, the following reads the contents of the '/etc/inetd.conf' configuration file and all files from the '/etc/inetd.d' directory: include-inetd /etc/inetd.conf; include-inetd /etc/inetd.d; Another way to read 'inetd' configuration files is to supply them in the command line, like this: pies --syntax=inetd --config-file /etc/inetd.conf Notice the '--syntax' option (*note config syntax::). It informs 'pies' that the following files are in 'inetd' format. Of course, several configuration file may be given: pies --syntax=inetd \ --config-file /etc/inetd.conf --config-file /etc/inetd.d A special option is provided that instructs 'pies' to behave as 'inetd': '--inetd' Read configuration from 'SYSCONFDIR/inetd.conf' and make sure 'pies' state files (*note State Files::) do not conflict with those from other 'pies' instances. The GNU Pies package also provides a wrapper that allows to use 'pies' instead of 'inetd'. It is built if the package is configured with the '--enable-inetd' option. The wrapper is then installed in SBINDIR as 'inetd', possibly replacing the system binary of that name. The command line usage of the 'inetd' wrapper is entirely compatible with that of the usual 'inetd' utility, i.e.: inetd [OPTION] [CONFIG [CONFIG...]] [-- PIES-OPTIONS] Options are: '-d' Increase debug level. '-R RATE' Set maximum rate (*note max-rate::). For convenience, the following additional options are understood: '-t' '--lint' Parse configuration file or files and exit. *Note lint::. '-s' '--status' Display info about the running instance. *Note pies-status::. '-S' '--stop' Stop the running instance. Finally, any additional options 'pies' understands may be given to 'inetd' after the '--' separator. 3.9 Using MeTA1 Configuration File ================================== MeTA1 is a mail transfer agent of new generation, designed to replace Sendmail in the future (). It has a modular structure, each module being a component responsible for a particular task. The components are configured in the MeTA1 configuration file '/etc/meta1/meta1.conf'. 'Pies' can take a list of components directly from MeTA1 configuration file: -- Config: include-meta1 FILE Parse FILE as MeTA1 configuration file and incorporate components defined there into the current component list. For example: include-meta1 /etc/meta1/meta1.conf; Thus, you can use 'pies' instead of the default MeTA1 program manager 'mcp'. This is particularly useful if you use 'Mailfromd' () to control the mail flow. To ensure compatibility with MeTA1, the components read from its configuration file are started in the reverse order (i.e. from last to first), and stopped in the order of their appearance in FILE. The following 'pies' statements are silently applied to all MeTA1 components: allgroups yes; stderr file COMPNAME.log chdir QUEUE-DIR Here, COMPNAME stands for the name of the component, and QUEUE-DIR stands for the name of MeTA1 queue directory. The latter is '/var/spool/meta1' by default. It can be changed using the following statement: -- Config: meta1-queue-dir DIR Set name of MeTA1 queue directory. To override any default settings for a MeTA1 component, add a 'command' section with the desired settings after including 'meta1.conf'. For example, here is how to redirect the standard error of the 'smtps' component to 'local1.debug' syslog channel: include-meta1 /etc/meta1/meta1.conf component smtps { stderr syslog local1.debug; } 3.10 Global Configuration ========================= The statements described in this section affect 'pies' behavior as a whole. -- Config: env { ... } Modifies the environment for the running 'pies' instance. The modified environment will be inherited by all processes started by 'pies' in the course of its normal operation. *Note Environment::, for a detailed discussion of the 'env' statement syntax. -- Config: syslog { ... } This block statement configures logging via syslog. It has the following substatements: -- Config: syslog: dev ADDRESS Address of the socket the syslog daemon is listening on. By default, '/dev/log' is used. The ADDRESS argument is either the file name of the UNIX socket file or IPv4 address of the syslog collector optionally followed by the colon and port number (or symbolic service name). If the port number is not supplied, the 'syslog' port (UDP) from '/etc/services' is used. -- Config: syslog: facility STRING Set syslog facility to use. Allowed values are: 'user', 'daemon', 'auth', 'authpriv', 'mail', 'cron', 'local0' through 'local7' (case-insensitive). -- Config: syslog: tag STRING Prefix syslog messages with this string. By default, the program name is used. -- Config: umask NUMBER Set the default umask. The NUMBER must be an octal value not greater than '777'. The default umask is inherited at startup. -- Config: limits ARG Set global system limits for all pies components. *Note limits: Resources, for a detailed description of ARG. -- Config: return-code { ... } Configure global exit actions. *Note Exit Actions::, for a detailed description of this statement. -- Config: shutdown-timeout NUMBER; Wait NUMBER of seconds for all components to shut down. Default is 5 seconds. The normal shutdown sequence looks as follows: 1. Compute shutdown sequence that takes into account dependencies between components, so as to ensure that dependent components stop before their prerequisites. This sequence can be viewed using the '--list-shutdown-sequence' option. 2. For each stage in the shutdown sequence, send the "termination signal" to each component marked for that stage. By default, 'SIGTERM' is used, but it can be changed for each component using the 'sigterm' configuration statement (*note sigterm::). Wait for the signalled components to terminate. If any of them remain running after 'shutdown-timeout' seconds, send them the 'SIGKILL' signal. 3. If any 'shutdown' components are defined, start them and wait for their termination. If any components are left running after 'shutdown-timeout' seconds, terminate them by sending the 'SIGKILL' signal. 3.11 Pies Privileges ==================== Normally, 'pies' is run with root privileges. If, however, you found such an implementation for it, that requires another privileges, you may change them using the following three statements: -- Config: user USER-NAME Start 'pies' with the UID and GID of this user. -- Config: group GROUP-LIST Retain the supplementary groups, specified in GROUP-LIST. -- Config: allgroups BOOL Retain all supplementary groups the user (as given with 'user' statement) is a member of. An example of such implementation is using 'pies' to start 'jabberd' components: . 3.12 State Files ================ Pies uses several files to keep its state information. The directory which hosts these files is called "state directory", it is usually '/var/pies' or '/usr/local/var/pies'). The state directory can be configured at run time: -- Config: state-directory DIR Set the program state directory. The table below describes the files kept in the state directory. The INSTANCE in this table stands for the 'pies' instance name (*note instances::). Usually, it is 'pies'. '' The "PID file". It keeps the PID number of the running 'pies' instance. 'INSTANCE.qotd' The "Quotation-of-the-day file". It is used by the 'qotd' built-in service (*note qotd::). The following statements allow to redefine state file names. Use them only if the defaults do not suit your needs, and neither the 'state-directory' statement nor the '--instance' option can help: -- Config: pidfile FILE Sets the PID file name. -- Config: qotd-file FILE-NAME Sets the name of the 'quotation-of-the-day' file. The following statements are retained for compatibility with earlier 'pies' versions. They are silently ignored: -- Config: control-file ARG -- Config: stat-file ARG 4 Pies Debugging **************** The amount of debugging information produced by 'pies' is configured by the following statements: -- Config: debug LEVEL Set debugging level. The LEVEL must be a non-negative decimal integer. In version 1.8 the following debugging levels are used: 1 Log all basic actions: starting and stopping of components, received incoming TCP connections, sending mails. Notify about setting limits. Log pre-startup actions (*note Actions Before Startup::). 2 Log setting particular limits. Log the recomputed alarms. 4 Dump execution environments 6 Debug the parser of MeTA1 configuration grammar. 7 Debug the lexical analyzer of MeTA1 configuration file. -- Config: source-info BOOL This statement decides whether debugging messages should contain source information. To enable source information, use: source-info yes; This feature is designed for 'pies' developers. 5 Communicating with Running 'pies' Instances ********************************************* The 'piesctl' tool allows you to communicate with the running 'pies' program. The invocation syntax is: piesctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS...] The COMMAND determines the operation to perform. The following sections describe available commands in detail. 5.1 piesctl id - Return Info About the Running Instance ======================================================= The 'id' subcommand returns information about the 'pies' instance organized as key-value pairs. When invoked without arguments, the following data are returned: 'package' Canonical package name. 'version' Version of 'pies'. 'instance' Instance name (*note instances::). 'binary' Full pathname of the 'pies' executable file. 'argv' Command line arguments supplied upon its startup. 'PID' Process ID. For example: $ piesctl id package: GNU Pies version: 1.8 instance: pies binary: /usr/sbin/pies argv: /usr/sbin/pies --config-file=/etc/pies/pies.conf PID: 15679 To request a subset of these data, give the items of interest as command line arguments: $ piesctl id binary PID binary: /usr/sbin/pies PID: 15679 5.2 Instance Management ======================= Two subcommands are provided for stopping and restarting 'pies'. -- piesctl: shutdown Stop the running 'pies' instance -- piesctl: reboot Restart 'pies' instance. Upon receiving this command, 'pies' will restart itself with the same command line arguments. Naturally, this means that all running components will be restarted as well. These subcommands do nothing when init process is selected. 5.3 piesctl config - Configuration Management ============================================= -- piesctl: config file list List currently loaded configuration files. -- piesctl: config file clear Clear configuration file list -- piesctl: config file add SYNTAX FILE Add FILE to the list of configuration files. SYNTAX specifies its syntax: 'pies', 'inetd', 'meta1', or 'inittab'. -- piesctl: config file del[ete] NAME [NAME...] Remove listed names from the list of configuration files. -- piesctl: config reload Reload configuration. 5.4 Component Management ======================== -- piesctl: list [CONDITION] List configured components. When used without arguments, all components are listed. Otherwise, only processes matching CONDITION are listed. Each output line contains at least two columns. The first column lists the tag of the component. The second one contains "flags", describing the type and status of the component. The first flag describes the type: Flag Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 SysV init 'ctrlaltdel' component A Accept-style component B SysV init 'boot' component C Respawn component c SysV init 'once' component D SysV init 'ondemand' component E Command being executed F SysV init 'powerfail' component f SysV init 'powerwait' component I Inetd-style component i SysV init 'sysinit' component k SysV init 'kbrequest' component n SysV init 'powerfailnow' component o SysV init 'powerokwait' component P Pass-style component R Output redirector W SysV init 'wait' component w SysV init 'bootwait' component The second flag is meaningful only for components. Its values are: Flag Meaning ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Disabled component f A finished 'once' component L Inetd listener R Running component S Component is stopping s Component is sleeping T Component is stopped The next column lists the PID (for running components) or socket address (for Internet listeners), or the string 'N/A' if neither of the above applies. If the component is sleeping, the time of its scheduled wake-up is listed in the next column. Rest of line shows the component command line. $ piesctl list smtps/stderr R 4697 pmult/stderr R 4677 pmult/stdout R 4676 pmult CR 4678 /usr/local/sbin/pmult smar CR 4680 smar -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf -d 100 qmgr CR 4691 qmgr -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf smtpc CR 4696 smtpc -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf smtps PR 4698 smtps -d100 -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf finger IL inet+tcp:// /usr/sbin/in.fingerd -u eklogin IL inet+tcp:// /usr/sbin/klogind -k -c -e kshell IL inet+tcp:// /usr/sbin/kshd -k -c eklogin IR 13836 /usr/local/sbin/klogind -k -c -e Use CONDITION to select the components to list. In its simplest form, CONDITION is one of the following "terms": 'all' Selects all processes, including internal services, such as output redirectors. 'active' Selects only active components. 'component TAG' Selects the component with the given tag. *Note tag: Component Statement. 'type ARG' Selects processes of the given type. Argument is 'component', to select only components, 'command', to select commands or 'redirector' to select output redirectors. When 'piesctl list' is used without arguments, 'type component' is assumed. 'mode ARG' Selects components of the given mode (*note mode: Component Statement.). E.g. to list 'inetd' components: piesctl list mode inetd 'status ARG' Selects processes with the given status. Argument is one of: 'finished' Component is finished. 'listener' Component is an inet listener. 'running' Component is running. 'sleeping' Component is sleeping. 'stopped' Component is stopped. 'stopping' Component has been sent the SIGTERM signal and 'pies' is waiting for it to terminate. A term may be preceded by the word 'not' to indicate negation of the condition. For example, the following command will list inactive components: piesctl list not active Furthermore, terms can be combined in logical expressions using boolean 'and' and 'or' operators: piesctl list type component and not mode inetd Conjunction ('and') has higher precedence than disjunction ('or'). In complex expressions parentheses can be used to alter the precedence: piesctl list type component \ and \( status running or status sleeping \) Notice that parentheses must be escaped to prevent them from being interpreted by the shell. The following summarizes the syntax of CONDITION in BNF: ::= ::= | "or" ::= | "and" ::= | "not" | "(" ")" ::= "all" | "active" | ::= "type" | "mode" | "status" | "component" ::= | ::= | ::= "A" - "Z" | "a" - "z" | "0" - "9" | "_" | "." | "*" | ":" | "@" | "[" | "]" | "-" | "/" ::= """ """ ::= | ::= | "\\" | "\"" -- piesctl: stop CONDITION Stop components matching CONDITION. -- piesctl: start CONDITION Start components matching CONDITION. -- piesctl: restart CONDITION Restart components. 5.5 Init Process Management =========================== The 'piesctl telinit' command communicates with 'pies' instance running as "init" process (PID 1). *Note piesctl telinit::, for a detailed discussion. 5.6 'Piesctl' Command Line Options ================================== '-c FILE' '--config-file=FILE' Read configuration from FILE instead of the default '/etc/piesctl.conf'. *Note piesctl.conf::, for its description. '-d' '--dump' Dump obtained responses verbatim. This is useful mainly for debugging purposes. '-i INST' '--instance=INST' Talk to 'pies' instance INST. '--no-netc' '-N' Don't read '~/.netrc' file. '-u URL' '--url=URL' Specifies the URL of the communication socket. *Note piesctl url::, for a description of allowed URL forms. '-v' '--verbose' Enable verbose diagnostics. Before parsing, configuration file is preprocessed using external command defined at build time (normally 'm4'). The following options control this feature: '-E' Show preprocessed configuration on stdout and exit. '--no-preprocessor' Disable the use of the external preprocessor. '--preprocessor=CMD' Use the command CMD as the external preprocessor, instead of the default 'm4'. '--define=SYM[=VALUE]' '-D SYMBOL[=VALUE]' Define symbol SYM as having VALUE, or empty, if the VALUE is not given. '--include-directory=DIR' '-I DIR' Add directory DIR to the list of directories to be scanned for preprocessor include files. '--undefine=SYM' '-U SYM' Undefine symbol SYM. Finally, the following options can be used to obtain on-line assistance: '--config-help' Show a terse reference to configuration file syntax and exit. '-h' '--help' Display command line help summary. '--usage' Give a short usage message '-V' '--version' Show program version. 5.7 Configuration for 'piesctl' =============================== The configuration file '/etc/piesctl.conf' helps the 'piesctl' tool to determine the URL of the control socket. This file is not mandatory, and its absence is not considered an error. Its syntax is similar to that of '/etc/pies.conf'. The following statements are defined: -- piesctl.conf: socket URL Sets the default socket URL. -- piesctl.conf: source IP Sets the default source IP address. This is used if the control socket is of 'inet' type. -- piesctl.conf: instance NAME Configures socket URL and (optionally) source address to use when communicating with the 'pies' instance NAME (i.e., when invoked as 'piesctl -i NAME': instance NAME { # Socket URL for that instance. socket URL; # Source IP address. source IP; } Valid values for URL in the above statements are: inet://IP:PORT Use the IPv4 address IP (may be given as a symbolic host name), on port PORT. local://FILE file://FILE unix://FILE Use the UNIX socket file FILE. The following algorithm is used to determine the name of the communication socket: 1. If the '--url' ('-u') option is given, use its argument. 2. Determine the instance name (INST). If the '--instance' ('-i') is given, INST is its argument. Otherwise, assume INST='pies'. 3. If configuration file '/etc/piesctl.conf' exists, read it. On success: a. See if the 'instance INST' statement is present and has 'socket' substatement. If so, the argument to 'socket' gives the socket URL. b. Otherwise, if global 'socket' statement is present, its argument gives the URL. 4. Otherwise, suppose that 'piesctl' is run on the same box where the target instance of 'pies' is running, and see if the file '/etc/INST.conf' exists. If so, parse it as 'pies' configuration file and look for 'control' block statement. If it has 'socket' statement, take its argument as the URL. *Note control::. 5. If socket URL is not determined by these steps, assume '/tmp/INST.ctl'. 6 Init - parent of all processes ******************************** 'Pies' can be executed directly by the kernel as a program responsible for starting all other processes (a process with PID 1). In this case it becomes also the parent of all processes whose natural parents have died and is responsible for reaping those when they die. When invoked this way, 'pies' reads its configuration from two files: '/etc/inittab' and '/etc/pies.init'. The former has traditional syntax (*note inittab::) and is retained for compatibility with another 'init' daemons, and the latter is in native 'pies' format (*note Syntax::). Either of the files or even both of them can be missing. The startup process passes through several states. Transition between states is controlled by "runlevel", which also defines the set of components that must be executed. Startup states are: 'sysinit' System initialization state. This state marks the beginning of the startup process. Only root partition is mounted, and is usually read-only. 'Pies' uses console to output diagnostic messages. Normally, the configuration instructs 'pies' to execute at this point the system initialization script, which checks and mounts the necessary local file systems, initializes devices and loads kernel modules. The system then passes to 'boot' state, unless the default runlevel is 'S', in which case the 'single' state is selected. 'boot' Upon entering the 'boot' state, 'pies' attempts to log the 'reboot' login record into the system 'utmp'/'wtmp' files and executes entries marked with 'boot' and 'bootwait' types. It then enters the 'normal' state. 'single' This is a fallback state for single-user system. It is entered only if the 'S' runlevel has been selected initially. Normally, this state is used for system maintenance. The configuration usually provides a component which executes a single-user shell when entering this state. If it does not, 'pies' executes '/sbin/sulogin'. 'normal' Upon entering this state, 'pies' assumes that components executed previously have brought the system to such condition where normal communication means can already be used. This means that the file systems have been mounted read-write and the 'syslog' daemon is operating. Therefore 'pies' opens its communication channels and redirects its diagnostic output to syslog facility 'daemon'. Then it starts components scheduled for the default runlevel and begins its normal operation. 'Pies' communication channels are: '/dev/initctl' A FIFO file for communication using legacy protocol (using 'telinit'). '/dev/init.ctl' UNIX socket for communication using 'piesctl'. 6.1 Runlevels ============= Runlevel determines the set of components to be run in normal state. It is a decimal digit from '0' to '9' or letter 'S'. Traditionally, runlevels are assigned as follows: 0 System halt. 1 S Single user mode. 3 Multiuser mode. 4 Multiuser with X11. Additionally, three special runlevels 'a', 'b' and 'c' can be used to start "on-demand" components without actually changing the runlevel. Once started, on-demand components persist through eventual runlevel changes. 6.2 Init Process Configuration ============================== The two configuration files are read in this order: '/etc/inittab' first, then '/etc/pies.init'. The '/etc/inittab' file is a simple line-oriented file. Empty lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored (except if '#' is followed by the word 'pies', see below). Non-empty lines consist of 4 fields separated by colons: ID:RUNLEVELS:MODE:COMMAND where ID Component identifier. A string uniquely identifying this component. RUNLEVELS List of the runlevels for which the component should be run. Runlevels are listed as a contiguous string of characters, without any whitespace or delimiters. MODE Component execution mode. COMMAND Command to be executed and its arguments. Component execution modes are: 'respawn' The basic execution mode. A "respawn" component is restarted each time it terminates. If it is restarted more than 10 times in 2 minutes, 'pies' puts it in "sleeping" state for the next 5 minutes. 'off' Disabled component. The entry is ignored. 'boot' The process will be executed during system boot. The 'runlevel' settings are ignored. 'bootwait' The process will be executed during system boot. No other components will be started until it has terminated. The 'runlevel' settings are ignored. 'sysinit' The process will be executed during system boot, before any 'boot' or 'bootwait' entries. The 'runlevel' settings are ignored. 'once' The process will be executed once when the specified runlevel is entered. 'wait' The process will be started once when the specified runlevel is entered. 'Pies' will wait for its termination before starting any other processes. 'ctrlaltdel' The process will be executed when 'pies' receives the SIGINT signal. Normally this means that the CTRL-ALT-DEL combination has been pressed on the keyboard. 'kbrequest' The process will be executed when a signal from the keyboard handler is received that indicates that a special key combination was pressed on the console keyboard. 'ondemand' The process will be executed when the specified "ondemand" runlevel is called ('a', 'b' and 'c'). No real runlevel change will occur (*note Ondemand runlevels::). The process will remain running across any eventual runlevel changes and will be restarted whenever it terminates, similarly to 'respawn' components. 'powerfail' The process will be executed when the power goes down. 'Pies' will not wait for the process to finish. 'powerfailnow' The process will be executed when the power is failing and the battery of the external UPS is almost empty. 'powerokwait' The process will be executed as soon as 'pies' is informed that the power has been restored. 'powerwait' The process will be executed when the power goes down. 'Pies' will wait for the process to finish before continuing. The special mode 'initdefault' declares the default runlevel. In the 'initdefault' entry, the RUNLEVELS field must consist of exactly one runlevel character. Rest of fields are ignored. For example, the following instructs 'pies' that the default runlevel is '3': id:3:initdefault: If no 'initdefault' entry is present, 'pies' will ask the user to input the desired default runlevel upon entering the normal state. Inittab must contain at least one entry with 'S' in RUNLEVELS field. This entry is used for system maintenance and recovery. If it is absent, 'pies' adds the following default entry implicitly: ~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin As an exception to traditional syntax, the '#' followed by the word 'pies' (with any amount of white space in between) introduce a pragmatic comment that modifies the behavior of the configuration parser. The following such comments are understood: '#pies pragma debug N' Set debugging level N (a decimal number). *Note Pies Debugging::. '#pies pragma next SYNTAX FILE' After parsing '/etc/inittab', read configuration from file FILE, assuming SYNTAX (*note config syntax::). Multiple 'next' pragmas are allowed, the named files will be processed in turn. The default set up is equivalent to specifying #pies pragma next pies /etc/pies.init '#pies pragma stop' Stop parsing after this line. The remaining material is ignored. Both the traditional '/etc/inittab' and pies-native '/etc/pies.init' files are entirely equivalent, excepting that, naturally, the latter is more flexible and gives much more possibilities in defining the system behavior. The declaration of a component in '/etc/pies.init' can contain all the statements discussed in *note Component Statement::. The only difference is that runlevels to start the component is must be specified: -- Config: component: runlevels STRING Specifies the runlevel to start the component in. The STRING argument is a string of runlevel characters. For example, the inittab entry discussed above is equivalent to the following statement in 'pies.init' file: component ID { mode MODE; runlevels RUNLEVELS; command COMMAND; } The default runlevel is specified in '/etc/pies.init' using the following construct: -- Config: initdefault RL Declare the default runlevel. The argument is the runlevel name. E.g. initdefault 3; If both '/etc/inittab' and '/etc/pies.init' are present, the latter can declare components with the same ID as the ones declared in the former. In that case, the two entries will be merged, the latter one overriding the former. Thus, '/etc/pies.init' can be used to complement definitions in 'inittab'. Consider, for example the following inittab entry: upd:3:respawn:/usr/libexec/upload If 'pies.init' contains the following: component upd { user nobody; stderr syslog local1; } the result will be equivalent to: component upd { mode respawn; runlevels 3; command /usr/libexec/upload; user nobody; stderr syslog local1; } 6.3 Init Command Line ===================== The runlevel to run in can be given as argument in the command line: /sbin/pies 1 Apart from this, the following command line arguments are recognized: '-s' 'single' Initialize default runlevel 'S'. '-b' 'emergency' Run emergency shell '/sbin/sulogin', prior to initialization. 6.4 Init Environment ==================== Programs run from 'pies' init process inherit a basic environment consisting of the following variables: 'PREVLEVEL=L' Previous runlevel, or letter 'N' if the runlevel hasn't been changed since startup. 'RUNLEVEL=L' Current runlevel. 'CONSOLE=DEVICE' Pathname of the console device file. 'INIT_VERSION="GNU Pies 1.8"' Version of 'pies'. 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin' Once the system is booted up, the environment can be controlled using the 'piesctl telinit environ' (or 'pies -T -e') command. 6.5 piesctl telinit =================== -- piesctl: piesctl telinit runlevel Report the runlevel and state of the process 1. -- piesctl: piesctl telinit runlevel N Switch to runlevel N. -- piesctl: piesctl telinit environ list [NAME] List the environment. If NAME is given, list only the value of that variable. -- piesctl: piesctl telinit environ set NAME=VALUE Set variable NAME to VALUE. The environment is capable to hold at most 32 variables. -- piesctl: piesctl telinit environ unset NAME Unset variable NAME. 6.6 The Telinit Command ======================= When given the '-T' ('--telinit') option, 'pies' emulates the behavior of the traditional 'telinit' command. This is a legacy way of communicating with the init process. The commands are sent via named pipe '/dev/initctl'. When the '-T' option is given, the rest of command line after it is handled as 'telinit' options. The following command: pies -T [-t N] R tells init process to switch to runlevel R. Possible values for R are: 0 to 9 Instructs init to switch to the specified runlevel. S or s Tells init to switch to the single user mode. a, b, or c Tells init to enable on-demand components with the specified runlevel. The actual runlevel is not changed. Q or q Tells init to rescan configuration files. The '-t' ('--timeout') option sets the time to wait for processes to terminate after sending them the SIGTERM signal. Any processes that remain running after N seconds will be sent the SIGKILL signal. The default value is 5 seconds. This usage is equivalent to the 'piesctl telinit runlevel' command (*note piesctl telinit::). The '-e' ('--environment') option modifies the init process environment. Its argument is either a variable assignment 'NAME=VALUE' to set a variable, or the name of a variable to unset it. Several '-e' options can be given to process multiple variables in a single command. Note, however, that given N '-e' options, the total length of their arguments is limited to 367 - N bytes. This option provides a limited subset of the functionality offered by the 'piesctl telinit environ' command. The table below summarizes all options available in 'telinit' mode: '-t N' Wait N seconds for processes to terminate after sending them the SIGTERM signal. Any processes that remain running after that time will be sent the SIGKILL signal. The default value is 5 seconds. '-e VAR=VALUE' Define environment variable VAR as having value VALUE. '-e VAR' Unset environment variable VAR. 7 Using Pies as Entrypoint for Docker Container *********************************************** Another use for 'pies' is as an entrypoint in a docker container. This is similar to the 'init' mode described in the previous chapter in that 'pies' runs with PID 1. However, in this case 'pies' uses its regular configuration file. When started with PID 1 from a docker container, 'pies' tries to detect the fact automatically and switch to the entrypoint mode. As of version 1.8, this detection might fail in containers run under Kubernetes. For such cases, use the '--no-init' option to inform 'pies' that it should run in 'entrypoint' mode. The following 'Dockerfile' fragment illustrates how to configure 'pies' to be run from a container: COPY pies.conf /etc ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/sbin/pies", "--foreground", "--stderr" ] It is supposed, of course, that the configuration file 'pies.conf' is available in the same directory as 'Dockerfile'. It is a common practice to supply configuration settings via the environment variables. To implement it in 'pies.conf', use either 'expandenv' or 'shell' flag (*note Early Environment Expansion::). For example: flags expandenv; command "syslogd -n -R $LOGHOST"; This will expand the environment variable 'LOGHOST' and pass its value as one of the arguments to 'syslog'. The usual shell syntax is supported. For example, to provide a default value for the '-R' option above (in case 'LOGHOST' is empty or undefined), use: flags expandenv; command "syslogd -n -R ${LOGHOST:-}"; Quite often a need arises to expand environment variables in other parts of the configuration file and to conditionally exclude portions of configuration, depending on whether a particular variable is set. The following sections describe two approaches to solving this problem. 7.1 Expanding Environment Variables in GNU m4 ============================================= Configuration preprocessing (*note Preprocessor::) can be used to conditionally enable parts of the 'pies.conf' file, depending on the value of an environment variable. The technique described below assumes that you use GNU 'm4' as preprocessor. Define the following two M4 macros: -- M4 macro: CF_WITH_ENVAR NAME TEXT Expands the environment variable NAME within TEXT. The macro does so by temporarily redefining the symbol NAME to the value of the environment variable NAME and expanding TEXT. The definition of the macro is: m4_define(`CF_WITH_ENVAR',m4_dnl `m4_pushdef(`$1',m4_esyscmd(printf "$`$1'"))m4_dnl $2`'m4_dnl m4_popdef(`$1')m4_dnl ') This macro allows you to use environment expansion where it is not normally supported. Consider, for example, this fragment: component { CF_WITH_ENVAR(`WORKDIR', `chdir "WORKDIR";') ... } If you set 'WORKDIR=/var/wd' prior to invoking 'pies', it will actually expand to component { chdir "/var/wd"; ... } *Note chdir: Actions Before Startup, for details about the 'chdir' statement. -- M4 macro: CF_IF_ENVAR NAME IF-SET IF-UNSET If the environment variable NAME is defined and has a non-empty value, expand IF-SET, otherwise expand IF-UNSET. Expand each occurrence of NAME in IF-SET to the actual value of the environment variable. Following is the definition of this macro: m4_define(`CF_IF_ENVAR',m4_dnl `CF_WITH_ENVAR(`$1',`m4_ifelse($1,`',$3,$2)')') This macro makes it possible to conditionally enable configuration file fragments depending on whether some environment variable is defined. E.g.: CF_IF_ENVAR(`LOGHOST',` component logger { command "syslogd -n -R LOGHOST; } ') Place both macros in a single file and include it at the top of your 'pies.conf' using the 'm4_include' command (*note m4::). 7.2 Using xenv ============== Another way to expand environment variables in the configuration file is to use 'xenv'. 'xenv' is a specialized preprocessor that expands environment variables in its input. It is also able to conditionally include parts of text depending on whether the environment variable is defined. The program is described in . To use 'xenv' as preprocessor, start 'pies' as follows: pies --foreground --stderr --preprocessor="xenv -s" The '-s' option instructs 'xenv' to emit "synchronization lines", that inform 'pies' about actual location of configuration statements in case when the expansion adds or removes portions of text spanning several lines. You can also combine the functionality of 'm4' and 'xenv' by running pies --foreground --stderr --preprocessor="xenv -s -m" In this case 'xenv' will automatically feed its output to the standard input of 'm4', started for this purpose. By default, 'xenv' uses the shell syntax to expand the variables. For example, in the following configuration file fragment, '$WORKDIR' will expand to the actual value of the 'WORKDIR' environment variable: component { chdir "$WORKDIR"; ... } There are two ways to conditionally include portions of text. The first one is to use the '${X:+W}' construct. For example: component { ${WORKDIR:+chdir "$WORKDIR";} ... } Another way is to use the 'xenv' '$$ifset' (or '$$ifdef') statement: component { $$ifset WORKDIR chdir "$WORKDIR"; $$endif ... } The difference between '$$ifset X' and '$$ifdef X' is the same as between '${X:+W}' and '${X+W}', i.e. '$$ifset' tests whether the variable is set and not-null, and '$$ifdef' tests only whether it is set, no matter its value. 'xenv' extends the shell syntax by providing a "ternary" operator. The construct '${X|A|B}' expands to 'A' if the variable 'X' is set and to 'B' otherwise (as usual, placing the colon before first '|' checks if the variable is set and not null). This allows for writing compact conditionals: component syslogd { mode respawn; command "/sbin/syslogd -n ${LOGHOST:|-R $LOGHOST|-O /proc/1/fd/1}"; } In this example 'syslogd' is instructed to relay messages to the IP address specified by the 'LOGHOST' variable and to send messages to the container stdout otherwise. Using shell indirection operator '$' can be confusing in parts of 'pies' configuration file that deal with environment variables by themselves. The common point of confusion is using 'env' and 'command' statements when 'shell' or 'expandenv' flag is set. For example: component X { env { set "HOME=/var/lib/nobody"; } flags shell; command "marb -C $HOME"; } Here, the intent is to pass '/var/lib/nobody' as the command line argument to 'marb'. However, if 'pies' was started with 'xenv' as preprocessor, the reference '$HOME' will be expanded by 'xenv' at the early stage to whatever value the 'HOME' variable had at 'pies' startup. Consequently, when it comes to launching the 'X' component, the intended expansion won't take place. There are three options to handle such cases: 1. Escape the '$' Use backslash to suppress expansion by 'xenv': component X { env { set "HOME=/var/lib/nobody"; } flags shell; command "marb -C \$HOME"; } 2. Use the "verbatim" operator This allows to reproduce the desired part of text verbatim. There are two verbatim operators: inline operator '$[...]' and block operator '$$verbatim ... $$end'. Examples: component X { env { set "HOME=/var/lib/nobody"; } flags shell; $[command "marb -C $HOME";] } or component X { env { set "HOME=/var/lib/nobody"; } flags shell; $$verbatim command "marb -C $HOME"; $$end } 3. Change the indirection operator The indirection operator '$' can be changed either globally, by using the '-S' option, or locally by using the '$$sigil' statement. E.g.: $$sigil @ # From this point on, $ looses its special meaning in xenv. component X { env { set "HOME=/var/lib/nobody"; } flags shell; command "marb -C $HOME @FILE"; } In the 'command' line of this example, '@FILE' will be expanded by 'xenv' when processing the configuration file, and '$HOME' will be expanded by shell (to the value '/var/lib/nobody', set by the 'env' statement) when 'pies' will start the command. 8 Configuration Examples ************************ In this section we provide several examples of working 'pies' configuration files. 8.1 Simplest Case: Using Pies to Run Pmult ========================================== The example below runs 'pmult' (*note Pmilter multiplexer program: (mailfromd)pmult.) utility with the privileges of 'meta1' user. Both standard error and standard output are redirected to the syslog facility 'mail', priorities 'err' and 'info', correspondingly. component pmult { command "/usr/local/sbin/pmult"; user meta1s; stderr syslog mail.err; stdout syslog; } 8.2 Using Pies to Run Pmult and MeTA1 ===================================== The example below is a working configuration file for running 'pmult' and all components of MeTA1, configured in '/etc/meta1/meta1.conf'. The global 'return-code' statement is used to configure 'pies' behavior for some exit codes. # Sample pies configuration for running pmult and MeTA1 # Special handling for exit codes that mean the program was # incorrectly used or misconfigured. return-code (EX_USAGE, EX_CONFIG) { action disable; notify "root"; message <<- EOT From: Pies <> X-Agent: ${canonical_program_name} (${package} ${version}) Subject: Component ${component} disabled. Component "${component}" has terminated with code ${retcode}, which means it encountered some configuration problem. I will not restart it automatically. Please fix its configuration and restart it manually at your earliest convenience. To restart, run ``${program_name} -R ${component}'' --- Wuff-wuff, Pies EOT; } component pmult { command "/usr/local/sbin/pmult"; user meta1s; stderr syslog err; stdout syslog info; } include-meta1 "/etc/meta1/meta1.conf"; 8.3 Running Pies as Inetd ========================= This configuration file allows to run 'pies' instead of 'initd'. It starts two services: 'ftp' and 'pop3d', and restricts access to them to two local subnets: acl { allow from; allow from; deny from any; } debug 3; component ftp { mode inetd; socket "inet://"; umask 027; program /usr/sbin/ftpd command "ftpd -l -C"; } component pop3d { mode inetd; socket "inet://"; program "/usr/sbin/pop3d"; command "pop3d --inetd"; } The following is almost equivalent configuration in 'inetd' format: ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/ftpd ftpd -l -C pop3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/pop3d pop3d --inetd This configuration is "almost" equivalent, because the 'inetd' format has no way of specifying ACLs and setting the umask. 9 Command Line Usage ******************** When run without arguments, 'pies' parses and loads the configuration file, detaches itself from the controlling terminal (becomes a daemon), and starts all components. Before actually starting up, it ensures that no another copy is already running, by looking for a PID file and verifying that the PID listed there is alive and responding. If another copy is running, 'pies' refuses to start up. It is often necessary to run several copies of 'pies' with different configuration files. To support such usage, 'pies' provides a notion of "instance". Pies instance is an independent invocation of 'pies' that uses a separate configuration file and separate state files (*note State Files::). Instances are created using the '--instance' option: '--instance=NAME' Read configuration from 'SYSCONFDIR/NAME.conf', use NAME as the base name for state files (i.e., they become '', 'NAME.clt', etc.) and tag all syslog messages with NAME. For example, the following invocations create three instances of 'pies': pies pies --instance=inetd pies --instance=mta The first instance uses the default configuration and state files. The second one reads configuration from '/etc/inetd.conf', and the third one reads it from '/etc/mta.conf'. After startup, you can verify the status of the running process using the '--status' option. $ pies --status smtps/stderr R 4697 pmult/stderr R 4677 pmult/stdout R 4676 pmult CR 4678 /usr/local/sbin/pmult smar CR 4680 smar -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf -d 100 qmgr CR 4691 qmgr -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf smtpc CR 4696 smtpc -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf smtps PR 4698 smtps -d100 -f /etc/meta1/meta1.conf finger IL inet+tcp:// /usr/sbin/in.fingerd -u eklogin IL inet+tcp:// /usr/sbin/klogind -k -c -e kshell IL inet+tcp:// /usr/sbin/kshd -k -c eklogin IR 13836 /usr/local/sbin/klogind -k -c -e *Note piesctl list::, for a description of the output format. You can restart any component by using the '--restart-component' ('-R') option, e.g.: $ pies -R pmult smtps To stop all running components and shut down 'pies', use the '--stop' ('-S') command line option: $ pies --stop If you modified the configuration file, you can instruct 'pies' to read it again using the '--reload' ('-r') command line option. The '--status', '--restart-component', '--stop', and '--reload' options actually run the 'piesctl' command, which provides a powerful tool for managing 'pies'. *Note piesctl::, for a detailed description. Two options are provided for verifying inter-component dependencies. The '--dump-depmap' option prints on the standard output the "dependency map". This map is a square matrix with rows representing dependents and columns representing prerequisites. An 'X' sign is placed on each crossing which corresponds to the actual dependency. For example: $ pies --dump-depmap Dependency map: 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 X 3 X 4 X X Legend: 0: pmult 1: smar 2: qmgr 3: smtpc 4: smtps This example corresponds to the configuration file shown in *note Hairy Pies::. To illustrate how to read it, consider the 4th row of the table. According to the legend, number 4 means 'smtps' component. There are two 'X' marks: in columns 1 and 2. This means that 'smtps' depends on 'smar' and 'qmgr'. You can also list prerequisites explicitly: $ pies --trace-prereq qmgr: smar smtpc: qmgr smtps: smar qmgr To list prerequisites for a particular component, give its name in the command line: $ pies --trace-prereq smtps smtps: smar qmgr Any number of components can be given in the command line. A counterpart option '--trace-depend' lists dependencies. Its usage is similar to the described above: $ pies --trace-depend smtps smtpc qmgr: smtps, smtpc smar: smtps, qmgr $ pies --trace-depend qmgr qmgr: smtps, smtpc 10 Pies Invocation ****************** This section summarizes 'pies' command line options. '--config-file=FILE' '-c FILE' Read configuration from FILE, instead of the default '/etc/pies.conf'. *Note Configuration::. '--config-help' Show configuration file summary. *Note Configuration::. '--define=SYM[=VALUE]' '-D SYMBOL[=VALUE]' Define symbol SYM as having VALUE, or empty, if the VALUE is not given. *Note Preprocessor::. '--debug=LEVEL' '-x LEVEL' Set debug verbosity level. *Note Pies Debugging::, for a description of LEVEL. '--dump-depmap' Dump dependency map. *Note dump-depmap::. '-E' Preprocess configuration file and exit. *Note Preprocessor::. '--force' Force startup even if another instance may be running. '--foreground' Remain in foreground. '--help' Display a short usage summary and exit. '--inetd' '-i' Run in 'inetd'-compatibility mode. It is roughly equivalent to 'pies --instance=inetd --syntax=inetd'. *Note inetd::. '--include-directory=DIR' '-I DIR' Add directory DIR to the list of directories to be scanned for preprocessor include files. '--instance=NAME' Define the name of the 'pies' instance. *Note instances::. '--lint' '-t' '--no-init' Don't assume "init mode" (*note Init Process::) if running with PID 1. *Note Docker Entrypoint::. '--list-shutdown-sequence' List components in order of "shutdown sequence". Each line lists the sequence stage number and the component name. *Note shutdown sequence::, for a detailed discussion of its meaning. '--no-preprocessor' Disable the use of the external preprocessor. *Note Preprocessor::. '--preprocessor=CMD' Use the command CMD as the external preprocessor, instead of the default 'm4'. *Note Preprocessor::. '--source-info' Show source info with debugging messages. *Note source-info::. '--status' '-s' Start 'piesctl list' to obtain information about the running processes. *Note piesctl list::. '--stderr' Log to standard error. '--stop' '-S' Stop the running instance. This is equivalent to running 'piesctl shutdown'. '--syntax=TYPE' Define the syntax for parsing the configuration files specified by any '--config-file' options that follow this one. Possible values for TYPE are: 'pies' Native 'pies' configuration. *Note Configuration::. 'inetd' 'Inetd'-style configuration files. *Note inetd.conf::. 'meta1' 'meta1'-style configuration files. *Note include-meta1::. 'inittab' 'Inittab' file. *Note Init Process::. *Note config syntax::, for a detailed description of this option. '--syslog' Log to syslog. This is the default. '--telinit' '-T' Emulate the 'telinit' legacy interface. The rest of command line following this option is processed as 'telinit' options. *Note telinit command::, for a detailed description of these. '--trace-depend' List dependencies for components named in the command line. Without arguments, dependencies for each component are listed. *Note trace-depend::. '--trace-prereq' List prerequisites for components named in the command line. Without arguments, prerequisites for each component are listed. *Note trace-prereq::. '--rate=R' Set maximum connection rate (connections per second) for inetd-style components. *Note inetd component rate: max-rate. '-r' '--reload' '--hup' Reread the configuration files. This is equivalent to running 'piesctl config reload' (*note config reload::). '-R' '--restart-component' Restart components named in the command line. *Note pies-restart::. '--version' Display program version and license information and exit. '--undefine=SYM' '-U SYM' Undefine symbol SYM. *Note Preprocessor::. '--usage' Display a short summary of available options and exit. 11 How to Report a Bug ********************** Send bug-reports and suggestions to . If you think you've found a bug, please be sure to include maximum information needed to reliably reproduce it, or at least to analyze it. The information needed is: * Version of the package you are using. * Compilation options used when configuring the package. * Run-time configuration ('pies.conf' file and the command line options used). * Detailed description of the bug. * Conditions under which the bug appears. Appendix A 'Inetd.conf' Format ****************************** This appendix describes the format of 'inetd' compatible configuration files. *Note inetd::, for the discussion on how to use such files with GNU 'pies'. The 'inetd' configuration file has line oriented format. Comments are denoted by a '#' at the beginning of a line. Empty lines and comments are ignored. Each non-empty line must be either a service definition, or address specification. "Service definition" consists of at least 6 fields separated by any amount of the white space. These fields are described in the following table (optional parts are enclosed in square brackets): [service-node:]service-name The service-name entry is the name of a valid service in the file '/etc/services'. For built-in services (*note builtin::), the service name must be the official name of the service (that is, the first entry in '/etc/services'), or a numeric representation thereof. For TCPMUX services, the value of the 'service name' field consists of the string 'tcpmux' followed by a slash and the locally-chosen service name (*note TCPMUX::). Optionally, a plus sign may be inserted after the slash, indicating that 'pies' must issue a '+' response before starting this server. The 'service-name' part corresponds to component tag in 'pies.conf' (*note Component Statement::). For built-in components, it corresponds to the 'service' statement (*note service: builtin.). Optional 'service-node' prefix is allowed for internet services. When present, it supplies the local addresses 'inetd' should listen on for that service. 'Service-node' consists of a comma-separated list of addresses. Both symbolic host names and numeric IP addresses are allowed. Symbolic hostnames are looked up in DNS service. If a hostname has multiple address mappings, a socket is created to listen on each address. A special hostname '*' stands for 'INADDR_ANY'. socket type The socket type should be one of 'stream', 'dgram', 'raw', 'rdm', or 'seqpacket'. TCPMUX services must use 'stream'. This field corresponds to the 'socket-type' statement in 'pies.conf'. *Note socket-type::. protocol The protocol must be a valid protocol as given in '/etc/protocols'. Examples might be 'tcp' or 'udp'. TCPMUX services must use 'tcp'. The 'service-node' prefix and 'socket-type' field correspond to the 'socket' statement in 'pies.conf'. *Note inetd-socket::. For example, the following line: dgram udp wait root ftpd is equivalent to socket inet+udp://; socket-typle dgram; wait/nowait[.max-rate] The 'wait/nowait' entry specifies whether the invoked component will take over the socket associated with the service access point, and thus whether 'pies' should wait for the server to exit before listening for new service requests. Datagram servers must use 'wait', as they are always invoked with the original datagram socket bound to the specified service address. These servers must read at least one datagram from the socket before exiting. If a datagram server connects to its peer, freeing the socket so that 'pies' can go on receiving further messages from the socket, it is said to be a "multi-threaded" server; it should read one datagram from the socket and create a new socket connected to the peer. It should fork, and the parent should then exit to allow 'pies' to check for new service requests to spawn new servers. Datagram servers which process all incoming datagrams on a socket and eventually time out are said to be "single-threaded". Examples of such servers are 'comsat' and 'talkd'. 'tftpd' is an example of a multi-threaded datagram server. Servers using stream sockets generally are multi-threaded and use the 'nowait' entry. Connection requests for these services are accepted by 'pies', and the server is given only the newly-accepted socket connected to a client of the service. Most stream-based services and all TCPMUX services operate in this manner. For such services, the invocation rate may be limited by specifying optional 'max-rate' suffix (a decimal number), e.g.: 'nowait.15'. Stream-based servers that use 'wait' are started with the listening service socket, and must accept at least one connection request before exiting. Such a server would normally accept and process incoming connection requests until a timeout. Datagram services must use 'nowait'. The only stream server marked as 'wait' is 'identd' (*note (identd(1))identd::). The 'wait' field corresponds to 'flags wait' in the 'pies.conf' file. The 'nowait' corresponds to 'flags nowait'. *Note flags::. The 'max-rate' suffix corresponds to the 'max-rate' statement. *Note max-rate::. user The user entry contains the name of the user as whom the component should run. This allows for components to be given less permission than root. This corresponds to the 'user' statement in 'pies.conf'. *Note user: Component Privileges. program The program entry contains the full file name of the program which is to be executed by 'pies' when a request arrives on its socket. For built-in services, this entry should be 'internal'. It is common usage to specify '/usr/sbin/tcpd' in this field. This field corresponds to the 'program' statement in 'pies.conf'. *Note program: Component Statement. server program arguments The server program arguments should be just as arguments normally are, starting with 'argv[0]', which is the name of the program. For built-in services, this entry must contain the word 'internal', or be empty. This corresponds to the 'command' statement. *Note command: Component Statement. "Address specification" is a special statement that declares the 'service-node' part (see above) for all the services declared below it. It consists of a host address specifier followed by a colon on a single line, e.g.:, The address specifier from such a line is remembered and used for all further lines lacking an explicit host specifier. It remains in effect until another address specification or end of the configuration is encountered, whichever occurs first. The following address specification: *: causes any previous default address specifier to be forgotten. An example of 'inetd.conf' file with various services follows: ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/ftpd ftpd -l ntalk dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/ntalkd ntalkd tcpmux stream tcp nowait root internal tcpmux/+scp-to stream tcp nowait guest /usr/sbin/in.wydawca wydawca tcpmux/docref stream tcp nowait guest /usr/bin/docref docref Appendix B User-Group ACLs ************************** This appendix describes the 'user-group' extension for GNU 'Pies' ACLs. This extension is reserved for the future use. The USER-GROUP ACL statement specifies which users match this entry. Allowed values are the following: 'all' All users. 'authenticated' Only authenticated users. 'group GROUP-LIST' Authenticated users which are members of at least one of groups listed in GROUP-LIST. For example, the following statement defines an ACL which allows access for any user connected via local UNIX socket '/tmp/pies.sock' or coming from a local network ''. Any authenticated users are allowed, provided that they are allowed by another ACL 'my-nets' (which should have been defined before this definition). Users coming from the network '' are allowed if they authenticate themselves and are members of groups 'pies' or 'users'. Access is denied for anybody else: acl { allow all from ("/tmp/pies.sock", ""); allow authenticated acl "my-nets"; allow group ("pies", "users") from ""; deny all; } Appendix C Control API ********************** This appendix describes "control API" used to communicate with the running 'pies' daemon via the control interface (*note control::). This API is used by 'piesctl' (*note piesctl::). The API is designed as a REST service and uses HTTP. Queries are sent to pies "endpoints", each of which serves a distinct purpose. Data are serialized using the JSON format. The sections below describe in detail each endpoint and associated with it request types. C.1 /instance ============= This endpoint controls the state of the running 'pies' instance and accepts the following HTTP requests: 'GET', 'DELETE', 'POST' (or 'PUT'). -- Request: GET /instance Retrieves information about the current instance. The response body is a JSON object with the following attributes: 'PID' PID of the running daemon. 'argv' Array of the command line arguments. 'argv[0]' is the program name. 'binary' Name of the 'pies' binary. 'instance' The instance name. *Note instances::. 'package' Package name (the string 'GNU Pies'). 'version' Package version Any of these can be used in the URI to request the information about that particular attribute, e.g.: GET /instance/argv => {"argv":["pies", "-x2"]} -- Request: DELETE /instance/PID Stops the current 'pies' instance. -- Request: PUT /instance/PID -- Request: POST /instance/PID Restarts the current 'pies' instance. C.2 /conf ========= The '/conf' endpoint allows the client to inspect and change the configuration of the running 'pies' instance. C.2.1 /conf/files ----------------- -- Request: GET /conf/files Return list of configuration files. On success, a JSON array is returned. Each array element is an object with two attributes: -- Attr: string file Pathname of the configuration file. -- Attr: string syntax Configuration file syntax (*note Syntax::). For example: GET /conf/files => [{"file":"/etc/pies.conf", "syntax":"pies"}, {"file":"/etc/inetd.conf", "syntax":"inetd"}] -- Request: POST /conf/files Adds a new configuration file. The body must be a JSON object with 'file' and 'syntax' attributes, as described above. The 'file' value must contain a pathname of a configuration file written in a syntax supplied by the 'syntax' attribute (*note Syntax::). This request returns 201 code on success. To actually parse and load the added configuration file, send a 'PUT' request to '/conf/runtime' (*note /conf/runtime::). -- Request: DELETE /conf/files/true Clears all previously configured configuration files. Responds with: { "message":"file list cleared", "status":"OK" } -- Request: DELETE /conf/files/[LIST] Removes files named in the LIST from the list of configuration files. The 'DELETE' response is 200 on success. To actually update the configuration of the running process, send a 'PUT' request to '/conf/runtime' (*note /conf/runtime::). C.2.2 /conf/runime ------------------ This is a write-only URI. The only request supported is 'PUT /conf/runtime'. It initiates reloading of the 'pies' configuration. Usually, this request is sent after one or more 'POST' and/or 'DELETE' requests to '/conf/files', in order to finalize the changes applied to the configuration. C.3 /programs ============= A request sent to this URI selects one or more components and applies operation defined by the request type to all of them. Components are selected using a query in the form of JSON object (a "selector"). Valid selectors are: 'null' 'false' Matches nothing. 'true' Matches all components. '{ "op": "component", "arg": TAG }' Matches component with the given TAG (*note tag::). '{ "op": "type", "arg": "component" }' Matches all components. '{ "op": "type", "arg": "command" }' Matches all commands. '{ "op": "mode", "arg": MODE }' Matches all components with the given MODE. *Note component mode::. '{ "op": "active" }' Matches all active components. '{ "op": "status", "arg": STATUS }' Matches all components with the given STATUS (one of 'stopped', 'running', 'listener', 'sleeping', 'stopping', 'finished'). *Note component status:: for a discussion of these values. '{ "op: "not", "arg": CONDITION }' Negates CONDITION, which is any valid selector. '{ "op": "and", "arg": ARRAY }' Returns the result of logical conjunction on the ARRAY of selectors. '{ "op": "or", "arg": ARRAY }' Returns the result of logical disjunction on the ARRAY of selectors. For example, the following selector matches all components that are in 'running' state, excepting components of 'inetd' mode: { "op": "and", "arg": [ { "op": "type", "arg": "component" }, { "op": "not", "arg": { "op": "mode", "arg": "inetd" } ] } The following requests are supported: -- Request: GET /programs?SELECTOR -- Request: GET /programs/TAG This request returns information about components matched by SELECTOR (see below for the '/programs/TAG variant'. The response is a JSON array of descriptions. If no component matches the SELECTOR, empty array is returned. Each description is a JSON object with the following attributes: -- Attr: string type Type of the described entity: 'component' for an instance of a configured component, and 'command' for a command run as a part of exit action (*note Exit Actions::), including mailer invocations (*note Notification::). -- Attr: string mode Mode of the entity. *Note component mode::. -- Attr: string status Entity status. Possible values are: 'finished' A 'once' or 'startup' component has finished. 'listener' Component is an inetd listener. 'running' Component is running. 'sleeping' Component has been put to sleep because of excessive number of failures (*note respawn::). 'stopped' Component is stopped. 'stopping' Component is being stopped (a 'SIGTERM' was sent). -- Attr: boolean active Whether this component is active. By default, all components are active, unless marked with a 'disable' flag (*note flags::) or administratively stopped. -- Attr: integer PID PID of the running process. -- Attr: string URL (for 'inetd' components) URL of the socket the component is listening on. -- Attr: string service (for 'tcpmux' components) TCPMUX service name. *Note TCPMUX::. -- Attr: string master (for 'tcpmux' components) Tag of master TCPMUX component. *Note TCPMUX::. -- Attr: string runlevels For inittab components, the string of runlevels this component is configured to run in. *Note Init Process::. -- Attr: integer wakeup-time If component is in the 'sleeping' state, this attribute gives the number of seconds after which an attempt will be made to restart it. -- Attr: array argv Component command line split into words. -- Attr: string command Component command. -- Request: DELETE /programs?SELECTOR -- Request: DELETE /programs/TAG Stop components matched by the SELECTOR. On success returns: { "status":"OK" } On failure, returns { "status":"ER", "message": TEXT } where TEXT is a textual human-readable description of the failure. -- Request: PUT /programs?SELECTOR -- Request: PUT /programs/TAG Start components matched by SELECTOR. -- Request: POST /programs Restart components. The selector is supplied in the request content. Wherever a selector is passed via query parameters, a simplified form with component tag passed as query path is also allowed. For example: GET /programs/TAG is a shortcut for: { "op":"and", "arg":[ {"op":"type", "arg":"component"}, {"op":"component", "arg":TAG } ] } C.4 /alive ========== This entry point accepts only 'GET' requests. The URI must not be empty and must not include sub-directories (parts separated with slashes). It is treated as the name of the component to return the status of. E.g. querying '/alive/foo' returns the status of the component named 'foo'. The status is returned as HTTP status code: 200 The component is up and running. For regular components that means that the corresponding program is running. For 'inetd' components that means that the listener is listening on the configured socket. 403 No component specified. 404 There is no such component. 503 The component is not running. This means that it has failed, or has been stopped administratively or (for 'once' and 'startup' components) that it has run once and finished. If the component has failed, the 'Retry-After:' HTTP header contains the number of seconds after which 'pies' will retry starting this component. C.5 /runlevel ============= This URI is active when 'pies' runs as init process (*note Init Process::). It supports two requests: -- Request: GET /runlevel Returns the current state of the program as a JSON object with the following attributes: -- Attr: string runlevel Current runlevel. *Note Runlevels::. -- Attr: string prevlevel Previous runlevel ('N' if none). -- Attr: string bootstate Boot state. *Note startup states::. -- Attr: string initdefault Default runlevel. -- Request: PUT /runlevel/{"runlevel":L} Initiates transition from the current runlevel to runlevel L (*note Runlevels::). C.6 /environ ============ This URI is active when 'pies' runs as init process (*note Init Process::). It manipulates the program initial environment, i.e. the environment that all programs inherit. *Note Init Environment::. -- Request: GET /environ/ Returns entire environment formatted as a JSON array of strings. On success, the 200 response is returned: ["RUNLEVEL=3", "CONSOLE=/dev/tty", ...] -- Request: GET /environ/VAR Returns the value of the environment variable VAR, if such is defined. On success, the 200 response carries the object: { "status":"OK", "value":STRING } If the variable VAR is not defined, a 404 response is returned. On error, a 403 response is returned. In both cases, the response body is the usual 'pies' diagnostics object: { "status":"ER", "message":TEXT } -- Request: DELETE /environ/VAR Deletes from the environment the variable VAR. On success, responds with HTTP 200: { "status":"OK" } Error responses are the same as for 'GET'. -- Request: PUT /environ/NAME=VALUE Initializes environment variable NAME to VALUE. See 'GET' for the possible responses. Appendix D GNU Free Documentation License ***************************************** Version 1.3, 3 November 2008 Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law. A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language. A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them. The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none. The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words. A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque". Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available, and the machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word processors for output purposes only. The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text. The "publisher" means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public. A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".) To "Preserve the Title" of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition. The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License. 2. VERBATIM COPYING You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3. You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may publicly display copies. 3. COPYING IN QUANTITY If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects. If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice. H. Include an unaltered copy of this License. I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. 5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements." 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate. 8. TRANSLATION Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation. Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See . Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document. 11. RELICENSING "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site. "CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization. "Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document. An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008. The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing. ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents ==================================================== To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''. If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the "with...Texts." line with this: with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software. Concept Index ************* This is a general index of all issues discussed in this manual * Menu: * #abend: Preprocessor. (line 494) * #error: Preprocessor. (line 490) * #include: Preprocessor. (line 417) * #include_once: Preprocessor. (line 429) * #line: Preprocessor. (line 476) * #warning: Preprocessor. (line 487) * --no-init: Docker Entrypoint. (line 3213) * -D: Preprocessor. (line 446) * -E, introduced: Configuration. (line 244) * -U: Preprocessor. (line 451) * /etc/inetd.conf: inetd. (line 2128) * /etc/meta1/meta1.conf: include-meta1. (line 2212) * /etc/protocols: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1249) * /etc/protocols <1>: inetd configuration. (line 3911) * /etc/services: inetd configuration. (line 3880) * accept: Component Statement. (line 596) * accept-style components: Intro. (line 146) * access control lists: ACL. (line 1854) * access-denied-message: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1321) * acl: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1316) * acl <1>: ACL. (line 1859) * ACL: ACL. (line 1854) * acl <2>: control. (line 2024) * acl <3>: control. (line 2025) * ACL in TCPMUX services: TCPMUX. (line 1463) * action: Exit Actions. (line 1180) * active: /programs. (line 4265) * admin-acl: Visibility. (line 1569) * admin-acl <1>: Visibility. (line 1570) * admin-acl <2>: control. (line 2041) * admin-acl <3>: control. (line 2042) * all: User-Group ACLs. (line 4028) * allgroups: Component Privileges. (line 790) * allgroups <1>: Pies Privileges. (line 2349) * allow: ACL. (line 1886) * allow <1>: ACL. (line 1887) * argv: /programs. (line 4294) * authenticated: User-Group ACLs. (line 4031) * block statement: Statements. (line 396) * boolean value: Statements. (line 304) * builtin services: builtin. (line 1332) * CF_IF_ENVAR: m4 environment. (line 3291) * CF_WITH_ENVAR: m4 environment. (line 3259) * chargen: builtin. (line 1347) * chdir: Actions Before Startup. (line 1089) * clear: Environment. (line 871) * command: Component Statement. (line 669) * command <1>: /programs. (line 4297) * command <2>: TCPMUX. (line 1451) * Comments in a configuration file: Comments. (line 262) * component: Intro. (line 102) * component <1>: Component Statement. (line 565) * component <2>: Component Statement. (line 565) * component tag: Component Statement. (line 572) * config: config. (line 2499) * config <1>: config. (line 2502) * config <2>: config. (line 2505) * config <3>: config. (line 2509) * config <4>: config. (line 2512) * config-file, --config-file option, introduced: Configuration. (line 187) * config-file, --config-file option, summary: Invocation. (line 3697) * config-help, --config-help option, introduced: Configuration. (line 230) * config-help, --config-help option, summary: Invocation. (line 3704) * configuration file: Configuration. (line 187) * configuration file statements: Statements. (line 284) * control: control. (line 1973) * control-file: State Files. (line 2393) * daytime: builtin. (line 1344) * debug: Pies Debugging. (line 2403) * debug, --debug option, described: Pies Debugging. (line 2400) * debug, --debug option, summary: Invocation. (line 3712) * declaring prerequisites: Prerequisites. (line 758) * defacl: ACL. (line 1872) * define, --define option, described: Preprocessor. (line 446) * define, --define option, summary: Invocation. (line 3707) * DELETE: /instance. (line 4102) * DELETE <1>: /conf/files. (line 4144) * DELETE <2>: /conf/files. (line 4150) * DELETE <3>: /programs. (line 4300) * DELETE <4>: /programs. (line 4301) * DELETE <5>: /environ. (line 4411) * deny: ACL. (line 1890) * deny <1>: ACL. (line 1891) * dependencies: Command Line Usage. (line 3637) * dependency: Dependencies. (line 174) * dependents: Prerequisites. (line 774) * dependents <1>: Dependencies. (line 174) * dev: Global Configuration. (line 2281) * disable: Component Statement. (line 683) * discard: builtin. (line 1338) * docker: Docker Entrypoint. (line 3208) * dump-depmap option, --dump-depmap option option, introduced: Command Line Usage. (line 3637) * dump-depmap, --dump-depmap option, summary: Invocation. (line 3717) * echo: builtin. (line 1336) * env: Environment. (line 855) * env <1>: env legacy syntax. (line 937) * env <2>: Global Configuration. (line 2269) * escape sequence: Statements. (line 312) * eval: Environment. (line 907) * exec: Component Statement. (line 583) * exec <1>: Exit Actions. (line 1154) * expandenv: Component Statement. (line 709) * expandenv <1>: Early Environment Expansion. (line 1044) * external preprocessor: Preprocessor. (line 433) * facility: Global Configuration. (line 2291) * flags: Component Statement. (line 679) * flags <1>: TCPMUX. (line 1439) * force, --force option, summary: Invocation. (line 3723) * foreground, --foreground option, summary: Invocation. (line 3726) * GET: /instance. (line 4074) * GET <1>: /conf/files. (line 4118) * GET <2>: /programs. (line 4226) * GET <3>: /programs. (line 4227) * GET <4>: /runlevel. (line 4366) * GET <5>: /environ. (line 4393) * GET <6>: /environ. (line 4399) * Global Configuration: Global Configuration. (line 2266) * group: Component Privileges. (line 787) * group <1>: User-Group ACLs. (line 4034) * group <2>: Pies Privileges. (line 2346) * here-document: Statements. (line 345) * hup, --hup option, summary: Invocation. (line 3826) * id, piesctl: id. (line 2447) * identity-provider: Identities. (line 2080) * idle-timeout: control. (line 2016) * include-directory, --include-directory option, described: Preprocessor. (line 455) * include-directory, --include-directory option, summary: Invocation. (line 3737) * include-inetd: inetd. (line 2134) * include-meta1: include-meta1. (line 2221) * inetd: Component Statement. (line 588) * inetd, --inetd option, described: inetd. (line 2170) * inetd, --inetd option, summary: Invocation. (line 3732) * inetd-style components: Intro. (line 128) * inetd-style components <1>: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1243) * inetd.conf: inetd. (line 2128) * init: Init Process. (line 2821) * initdefault: Init Process Configuration. (line 3058) * instance: piesctl.conf. (line 2774) * instance, --instance option, summary: Invocation. (line 3742) * internal: Component Statement. (line 727) * internal flag: builtin. (line 1359) * internal services: builtin. (line 1332) * keep: Environment. (line 876) * keep <1>: Environment. (line 892) * limits: Resources. (line 798) * limits <1>: Global Configuration. (line 2304) * lint, --lint option, introduced: Configuration. (line 239) * lint, --lint option, summary: Invocation. (line 3745) * list: Statements. (line 385) * list <1>: components. (line 2518) * list-acl: Visibility. (line 1558) * list-acl <1>: Visibility. (line 1559) * list-shutdown-sequence, --list-shutdown-sequence option, summary: Invocation. (line 3752) * m4: Preprocessor. (line 433) * mailer: Notification. (line 1812) * mailer-command-line: Notification. (line 1839) * mailer-program: Notification. (line 1816) * master: /programs. (line 4281) * max-instances: Resources. (line 835) * max-instances <1>: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1299) * max-instances-message: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1304) * max-ip-connections: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1308) * max-ip-connections-message: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1312) * max-rate: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1294) * message: Exit Actions. (line 1191) * message <1>: Notification. (line 1750) * meta1-queue-dir: include-meta1. (line 2249) * meta1-style components: Intro. (line 136) * meta1-style components <1>: Meta1-Style Components. (line 1537) * mode: Component Statement. (line 579) * mode <1>: /programs. (line 4240) * multi-line comments: Comments. (line 275) * no-init, --no-init option, summary: Invocation. (line 3748) * no-preprocessor, --no-preprocessor option, summary: Invocation. (line 3757) * nostartaccept: Component Statement. (line 588) * Notification: Notification. (line 1738) * notify: Exit Actions. (line 1187) * notify <1>: Notification. (line 1744) * nullinput: Component Statement. (line 687) * pass: Component Statement. (line 592) * pass-fd: Component Statement. (line 592) * pass-fd-socket: Meta1-Style Components. (line 1542) * pass-fd-timeout: Actions Before Startup. (line 1099) * pass-style components: Intro. (line 136) * PID: /programs. (line 4270) * pidfile: State Files. (line 2384) * pies.conf: Configuration. (line 187) * piesctl: piesctl telinit. (line 3134) * piesctl <1>: piesctl telinit. (line 3137) * piesctl <2>: piesctl telinit. (line 3140) * piesctl <3>: piesctl telinit. (line 3144) * piesctl <4>: piesctl telinit. (line 3148) * piesctl id: id. (line 2447) * POST: /instance. (line 4106) * POST <1>: /conf/files. (line 4134) * POST <2>: /programs. (line 4316) * precious: Component Statement. (line 692) * preprocessor: Preprocessor. (line 410) * preprocessor, --preprocessor option, summary: Invocation. (line 3762) * preprocessor, external: Preprocessor. (line 433) * prerequisite: Dependencies. (line 174) * prerequisites: Prerequisites. (line 761) * prerequisites, declaring: Prerequisites. (line 758) * privileges: Component Privileges. (line 781) * privileges <1>: Pies Privileges. (line 2339) * program: Component Statement. (line 673) * PUT: /instance. (line 4105) * PUT <1>: /programs. (line 4312) * PUT <2>: /programs. (line 4313) * PUT <3>: /runlevel. (line 4382) * PUT <4>: /environ. (line 4419) * qotd: builtin. (line 1351) * qotd-file: builtin. (line 1390) * qotd-file <1>: State Files. (line 2387) * quoted string: Statements. (line 312) * rate, --rate option, summary: Invocation. (line 3822) * realm: control. (line 2055) * reboot: stop and reboot. (line 2489) * reload, --reload option, summary: Invocation. (line 3826) * remove-file: Actions Before Startup. (line 1092) * repeater: Output Redirectors. (line 1206) * resolve: Component Statement. (line 734) * respawn: Component Statement. (line 583) * respawn components: Intro. (line 121) * restart: components. (line 2674) * restart-component, --restart-component option, described: Command Line Usage. (line 3620) * restart-component, --restart-component option, summary: Invocation. (line 3832) * return-code: Exit Actions. (line 1106) * return-code <1>: Exit Actions. (line 1111) * return-code <2>: Global Configuration. (line 2308) * runlevels: /programs. (line 4285) * runlevels <1>: Init Process Configuration. (line 3042) * sendmail: Notification. (line 1812) * service: /programs. (line 4277) * service <1>: builtin. (line 1364) * service <2>: TCPMUX. (line 1432) * set: Environment. (line 896) * shell: Component Statement. (line 696) * shell <1>: Early Environment Expansion. (line 1031) * shutdown: Component Statement. (line 604) * shutdown <1>: stop and reboot. (line 2486) * shutdown components: Intro. (line 150) * shutdown sequence: Global Configuration. (line 2316) * shutdown-timeout: Global Configuration. (line 2312) * siggroup: Component Statement. (line 739) * sigterm: Component Statement. (line 746) * simple statements: Statements. (line 284) * single-line comments: Comments. (line 262) * smtps: Intro. (line 136) * sockenv: sockenv. (line 1476) * sockenv <1>: Component Statement. (line 730) * socket: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1246) * socket <1>: control. (line 1985) * socket <2>: piesctl.conf. (line 2767) * socket environment variables: sockenv. (line 1476) * socket-type: Inetd-Style Components. (line 1288) * source: piesctl.conf. (line 2770) * source-info: Pies Debugging. (line 2425) * source-info, --source-info option, summary: Invocation. (line 3768) * standard input: Component Statement. (line 687) * start: components. (line 2671) * startup: Component Statement. (line 599) * startup components: Intro. (line 150) * stat-file: State Files. (line 2395) * state files: State Files. (line 2360) * state-directory: State Files. (line 2365) * statement, block: Statements. (line 396) * statement, simple: Statements. (line 284) * statements, configuration file: Statements. (line 284) * status: /programs. (line 4243) * status, --status option, summary: Invocation. (line 3771) * stderr: Output Redirectors. (line 1209) * stderr, --stderr option, summary: Invocation. (line 3776) * stdin: Component Statement. (line 687) * stdout: Output Redirectors. (line 1210) * stop: components. (line 2668) * stop, --stop option, described: Command Line Usage. (line 3625) * stop, --stop option, summary: Invocation. (line 3779) * string: /conf/files. (line 4122) * string <1>: /conf/files. (line 4125) * string <2>: /runlevel. (line 4370) * string <3>: /runlevel. (line 4373) * string <4>: /runlevel. (line 4376) * string <5>: /runlevel. (line 4379) * string, quoted: Statements. (line 312) * string, unquoted: Statements. (line 308) * syntax, --syntax option, summary: Invocation. (line 3784) * syslog: Global Configuration. (line 2277) * syslog, --syslog option, summary: Invocation. (line 3803) * tag: Global Configuration. (line 2296) * tag (component): Component Statement. (line 572) * tcpmux: Component Statement. (line 721) * tcpmux <1>: builtin. (line 1354) * TCPMUX: TCPMUX. (line 1402) * tcpmux-master: TCPMUX. (line 1436) * tcpmuxplus: Component Statement. (line 724) * telinit option, --telinit option option, introduced: telinit command. (line 3154) * telinit, --telinit option, summary: Invocation. (line 3806) * time: builtin. (line 1341) * trace-depend, --trace-depend option, summary: Invocation. (line 3812) * trace-prereq, --trace-prereq option, described: Command Line Usage. (line 3665) * trace-prereq, --trace-prereq option, summary: Invocation. (line 3817) * type: /programs. (line 4234) * umask: Resources. (line 831) * umask <1>: Global Configuration. (line 2300) * undefine, --undefine option, described: Preprocessor. (line 451) * undefine, --undefine option, summary: Invocation. (line 3840) * unset: Environment. (line 916) * URL: /programs. (line 4273) * user: Component Privileges. (line 784) * user <1>: Pies Privileges. (line 2343) * user-acl: control. (line 2031) * user-acl <1>: control. (line 2032) * wait: Component Statement. (line 715) * wakeup-time: /programs. (line 4289) * xenv: xenv. (line 3318)