D.1 #pragma option

This appendix describes an obsolete mailfromd configuration interface: ‘#pragma option’. For a new interface, see Configuring mailfromd.

The syntax of ‘#pragma option’ is:

#pragma option name value

where name is the name of the command line option (without leading dashes) to set, and value is its new value. The effect of this statement is the same as that of the command line option ‘--name=value’.

The value is specific for each particular option. The supported value types are:


A decimal number.


A string of characters. It must be enclosed in a pair of quotes, if it contains whitespace characters (use either single or double quotes, at your option).


A boolean value: yes, true or t to indicate a true value, and no, false or nil to indicate a false value.


An IP address in “dotted-quad” notation or a fully-qualified host name.


The time interval specification, as described in See time interval specification. It needs not be quoted.

The following options control various database expiration intervals. The use of these options is deprecated, please use the corresponding #pragma database option.

pragma option: expire-interval interval

Sets expiration interval for all databases. See expire-interval-conf, for a new method of setting it.

pragma option: positive-expire-interval interval

Sets expiration interval for positive cache entries. Use the ‘database’ configuration file statement instead. See section positive-expire-interval.

pragma option: negative-expire-interval interval

Sets expiration interval for negative cache entries. Use the ‘database’ configuration file statement instead. See section negative-expire-interval.

pragma option: rates-expire-interval interval

Sets expiration interval for entries in the rates database. Use the ‘database’ configuration file statement instead (see section expire-interval):

database rate {
  expire-interval interval;

The following options control I/O operations over TCP.

pragma option: source address

Sets source address for TCP connections. Use the ‘source-ip’ configuration file statement instead. See section source-ip.

pragma option: connect-timeout interval

Sets initial connection timeout. Use the ‘connect-timeout’ configuration file statement instead. See section connect-timeout.

pragma option: initial-response-timeout interval

Sets the time to wait for the initial SMTP response. Use the ‘initial-response-timeout’ configuration file statement instead. See section initial-response-timeout.

pragma option: io-timeout interval
pragma option: timeout interval

Sets I/O operation timeout. Use the ‘io-timeout’ configuration file statement instead: See section io-timeout.

The following options control debugging and logging facilities:

pragma option: debug string

Sets debugging level. Use the debug configuration file statement instead: See section Logging and Debugging configuration.

String is a decimal number in the range 0 – 100. Level 0 effectively disables debugging, while level 100 enables the most verbose debugging output.

You can also selectively set different debug levels for different source code modules. In this case string is a comma-separated list of debug specifications, each of which has the following syntax: module[=level]. See section Logging and Debugging, for the detailed description of this.

pragma option: source-info boolean

Includes source information into the debugging output. Use the source-info configuration file statement instead: See section source-info.

pragma option: stack-trace boolean

Enables stack trace dumps on runtime errors. Use the stack-trace configuration file statement instead: See section stack-trace.

These options control program privileges after startup:

pragma option: user string

Switch to this user's privileges after startup. Use the user configuration file statement instead: See section user.

pragma option: group string

Retain the supplementary group string when switching to user privileges. Use the group configuration file statement instead: See section group.

The following options control interaction with Sendmail:

pragma option: port string

Sets the communication port parameters. Use the listen configuration file statement instead: See section listen.

pragma option: milter-timeout interval

Set the timeout value for connection between the filter and the MTA. Use the milter-timeout configuration file statement instead: See section milter-timeout.

The following options are used to tune database file locking:

pragma option: lock-retry-count number

Set maximum number of attempts to acquire the lock. Use the lock-retry-count configuration file statement instead: See section lock-retry-count.

pragma option: lock-retry-timeout interval

Set the time span between the two locking attempts. Use the lock-retry-timeout configuration file statement instead instead: See section lock-retry-timeout.

Other options:

pragma option: relay string

Specifies the file containing names of email domains, relayed by this machine. Use the relayed-domain-file configuration file statement instead: See section relayed-domain-file.

pragma option: state-directory string

Changes the file name of the program state directory. Use the state-directory configuration file statement instead: See section state-directory.

pragma option: pidfile string

Sets the name of pid-file. Use the pidfile configuration file statement instead: See section pidfile.