3.17 Run Mode

Mailfromd provides a special option that allows to run arbitrary MFL scripts. This is an experimental feature, intended for future use of MFL as a scripting language.

When given the ‘--run’ command line option, mailfromd loads the script given in its command line and executes a function called ‘main’.

The function main must be declared as:

func main(...) returns number

Mailfromd passes all command line arguments that follow the script name as arguments to that function. When the function returns, its return value is used by mailfromd as exit code.

As an example, suppose the file ‘script.mf’ contains the following:

func main (...)
  returns number
  loop for number i 1,
       while %i <= $#,
       set i %i + 1
    echo "arg %i=" . $(%i)

This function prints all its arguments (See variadic functions, for a detailed description of functions with variable number of arguments). Now running:

$ mailfromd --run script.mf 1 file dest

displays the following:

arg 1=1
arg 2=file
arg 3=dest

Note, that MFL does not have a direct equivalent of shell's $0 argument. If your function needs to know the name of the script that is being executed, use __file__ built-in constant instead (see section __file__.

You may name your start function with any name other than the default ‘main’. In this case, give its name as an argument to the ‘--run’ option. This argument is optional, therefore it must be separated from the option by an equals sign (with no whitespace from either side). For example, given the command line below, mailfromd loads the file ‘script.mf’ and execute the function named ‘start’:

$ mailfromd --run=start script.mf