2.4 Two Ways to Start johd

One of the basic assumptions made when designing johd was that it was to be run as a transport within Jabber configuration. Therefore, after startup, johd remains in the foreground and does not disconnect from the controlling terminal. It also normally sends all its diagnostic messages to the standard error output (but see section Logging and Debugging, below.

To start jabber2 components we recommend using GNU Pies, instead of the default simple program manager shipped with Jabberd2. Pies offers considerable flexibility in handling jabber components. For a detailed description of Pies, GNU Pies Manual: (pies)Top section `Top' in GNU Pies Manual. For an example of Jabberd2 configuration with Pies, refer to http://www.gnu.org.ua/software/pies/example.php?what=jabberd2.

To configure Pies to start johd, add the following component statement to your configuration file:

component johd {
  command "johd options";
  strderr syslog err;

Replace johd with the full pathname of the johd binary, and options with the desired command line options. For example:

component johd {
  command "/usr/sbin/johd -c HTTP";
  strderr syslog err;

Another way to start johd is independently of the Jabber server. To do so, give it the ‘-D’ command line option. This option instructs johd to disconnect from the controlling terminal and run in the background as a daemon. Diagnostic messages are then sent to the syslog, using the ‘daemon’ facility (this can be changed using the ‘-F’ option; see section Logging and Debugging).

Normally, johd continues its operation with the privileges of the user who started it. If this user is root, you may wish johd to run as some other user. To do so, use the ‘-u’ option, e.g.:

johd -cHTTP -D -u nobody

The daemon switches to new user after completing operations that require root privileges, such as, e.g. creating sockets that listen on ports below 1024, etc.

When starting johd in daemon mode, it is also common to give it the ‘-p’ option. This option takes a file name as argument and causes the program to write its PID to that file after switching to the background. If this file already exists, johd will read the PID from it and will check if a process with that PID is actually running. If so, johd refuses to startup and outputs an appropriate diagnostics. Otherwise, it will overwrite the file with the new PID value.

If both ‘-u’ and ‘-p’ are used, the pidfile is opened after switching to the user provileges. In this case, you should make sure the directory component of the pidfile is writable for the user supplied with the ‘-u’ option.

Following is an example startup command:

johd -D -p /var/run/johd.pid

To automate startup and shutdown of johd in daemon mode, use the following shell script:

#! /bin/sh

case $1 in
start) /usr/bin/johd -D -p $PIDFILE;;
stop)  test -f $PIDFILE && kill -TERM `cat $PIDFILE`;;
       $0 stop
       $0 start;;
*)     echo >&2 "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"